A smile crept up my face and kissed his cheek.

"You're forgiven." And slowly the events of last night came back to my memory making me gasp.

"Oh my god, Niall. Is your hand okay?" I said frantically, holding his hand and examining it.

"Yeah, it's fine. Why?" He said carelessly.

"You punched Eric," I exclaimed.

"So you remember now." He said.

"Yeah. But is it seriously okay?"

"Yes, Lana. I'm fine but that son of a bitch won't be." His eyes filled with anger.

"Please don't do anything you'll regret." I pleaded.

"I don't care Lana. He shouldn't have done what he did. And now he is going to repent." He said.

"What are you going to do?" I asked.

"You'll see." He said, getting up from the bed.

"Tell me, Niall. I'll keep pestering you if you don't tell me."

"I still won't tell you. There isn't any point in asking me Lana I won't tell you a word."

"Ugh fine."

"Good. Now go have a bath. Mum had to lie to Aunt Emmy about your staying here." I nodded.


I sat on my bed after a lot of explanation given to my mother as to why I was at Niall's place. She didn't mind in any manner but she doesn't like it when I don't keep in touch.

Last nights events did take a toll on me. Be it jealousy or anger towards Niall, whatever it was made me do something stupid. What would have happened if Niall hadn't stopped Eric? I can't even think about it.

Eric never seemed to me as that kind of a guy. Even though we had one class together, he had spoken to me very politely. He was never rude and what he did to me completely conflicts with his actual self. I don't even know how I'll face him in school.

I didn't tell mum about what happened because if I did, she would tell Papa and then he would surely get the cops involved telling me, 'No one touches my baby girl.' Being the only child has its perks. I was pampered to death, not only by my parents but aunts and uncles too, oh not forgetting my granddad. My grandmother died five years ago due to depression caused by my runaway uncle. He was my granny's youngest and favourite son from the four sons she had.

I shook my head, shaking the thought of her out of my head. I got into my work clothes which included black jeans and T-shirt. I worked at the nearby café which went by the name 210°. I worked on the weekends only because my dad thought there wasn't any point in me working but I wanted to be independent. So after a lot of bargaining, I was allowed to work only on weekends.

I headed out of my house to my car after bidding farewell to my parents. I unlocked the car and closed the door once I sat in. The drive wasn't long so I didn't put the radio in. In mere five minutes, I reached.

I opened the door of the café and the familiar aroma hit my nose.

"Hey, Melanie." I greeted my boss, owner of the café who was now making coffee.

"Hey, Alana." She smiles at me as I stood on my usual spot behind the cash register and wrapped the apron on.

"How was this week?" I asked looking around to see an empty café.

"It has been busy. Many people from your school have been coming. I guess you working here is helping me make money." She said and chuckled.

Melanie was sweet to say in the least. She was a single mother, in her 30's, and was running this café. She was sweet to me as well as my co-workers. Her story was hard to take in. Her husband left her for another woman because she could not conceive. But after a miracle, she did conceive and when she was going to tell her husband she caught him cheating on her. So since then, she has been single, working her ass off, to keep her son happy. This café wasn't that of a big place but it did get a fair share of customers. And if me working here was helping her in some twisted way so be it.

Unspoken Love | Niall Horan AU | √ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora