" Sure, let's say that." Liliah waved her hand.
" No way Iron man tech." Ron stood up and walked up to Harry.
" Only the best for my brother." Liliah ruffled Harry's hair.
" Liliah, I'm sure those are not permitted at Hogwarts." Hermione told her.
" Probably not. But they are permitted in the backyard." Liliah smirked.
The boys faces lit up and they raced downstairs. Liliah followed.

They passed James and Sirius.
" Is that?" James started.
" Yep." Liliah nodded.
James and Sirius excitedly looked at each other and ran out side with Harry and Ron. Liliah chuckled as she saw James, Sirius and Ron all giggling and jumping as they watched Harry put on the helmet and glove. Harry pointed his covered hand at a tree. The thrusters powered up and shot the tree. It made a small burning hole in the tree. Obviously Liliah wasn't going to give her fourteen year old brother and man child father and uncle an actual full functioning iron man glove. Are you crazy?

Still the boys all ooo and ahh. They all stated giddily taking turns and blasting the tree, squealing every time they hit the tree.
" Pads I bet you can't blast thats tree branch off." James pointed to the tallest furthest tree branch.
" Oh your on." Sirius accepted the challenge.
He put on the helmet and pointed his covered hand to the tree. He moved his hand around a little trying to find the exact spot. He activated the thruster and it blasted towards the branch. It missed by a few inches.

" Fuck!" Sirius cursed.
James grabbed his stomach laughing.
" Well go on. I bet you can't do any better." Sirius took of the gear and handed it to James.
" Of course I can do better." James gave him a smug smile.
James placed the helmet and glove on. He did the same as Sirius trying to find the perfect spot. He tried blasting it but was way off. This time Sirius started laughing. James grumbled something as he pulled of the tech. Harry and Ron took turns both missing as well.

" Liliah, you want to try?" James asked.
" Sure." Liliah shrugged as she walked over to them.
She took the helmet and glove and put them on.
" If you get anywhere close will call it a win." Ron told her.
" Thanks Ron." Liliah smirked flipping down the helmet down.

" Friday, give me the best spot to shoot this branch down." Liliah told the AI.
" On it." A female voice replied.
Liliah moved her hand around until Friday alerted her she found the right spot. Liliah locked her spot. She got ready to blast the branch as the back door slid open. She used the thruster to blast the tree branch. It hit it right on cutting it clean off the tree. It fell down to the ground with the end still steaming. Liliah put her hand down and pulled off the glove and helmet. She shook her head allowing her messy hair to free itself.

Liliah looked to the side with a smug smile identical to her fathers. Everyone's mouth hung open. Including the group that's walked outside.
" Mate, your kid is so bloody cool." Sirius told James.
" Can you teach me how to do that Li?" Harry ran over to her.
" Sure kid." Liliah smiled.
" Well look who became a badass after I left Hogwarts." Charlie Weasley commented.
" Charlie!" Liliah smiled rushing over to him.

They hugged.
" I haven't seen you since you graduated." Liliah pulled away.
" Well I've seen you. Your on the news almost every summer." Charlie smiled.
Liliah smiled and blushed looking down.
" Yep, my sunflower has always been a badass. It's just now she's letting the whole world she it." Fred walked over to Liliah and put his arm around her.
Liliah looked up the Fred. He looked at her smiled. Liliah almost lost her breath when she saw him. If she thought he looked good last year, this year he looked great.

" Yeah, I only let Freddie see my badass-ness." Liliah smiled.
Fred blushed slightly at the nickname.
" Well it's good to see you Rogers." Charlie smiled looking between his little brother and Liliah.
" You too Weasley." Liliah said.
Charlie winked at Fred before walking over to Harry and wishing him happy birthday.

" Liliah Peggy Rogers!" Lily shouted.
Liliah winced and turned towards her mom.
" Yes mom?" Liliah smiled innocently.
" What were thinking giving children a blaster." Lily asked.
" Harry's fourteen mom. His hardly child same with Ron." Liliah told her.
" I meant James and Sirius." Lily said.
Liliah laughed.
" Your right that was stupid." Liliah nodded.
" Well at least you know." Lily patted her shoulder.

" Your wearing the earnings I got you." Fred whispered in her ear.
" There very nice earnings." Liliah smiled up at him.
Fred had always been taller then Liliah but now it was just ridiculous. He stood at six foot even and still growing while Liliah was five'four not growing anytime soon.
" They look very nice on you sunflower." Fred tucked her hair behind her ear.

" Liliah. Can you show me your pictures you took this summer?" Ginny asked excitedly.
" Oh course Gin. Why don't you get us a spot inside and I'll grab my camera and meet you there." Liliah told her.
" Okay." Ginny smiled before rushing inside.
" Your going to make an incredible sister in law to Ginny." Fred smirked.
" Don't get too confident mister. I'm just wearing earnings you happen to have bought for me." Liliah moved away.
" It's a start." Fred called.

Liliah rolled her eyes and smiled before walking into the house.

Liliah Rogers Where stories live. Discover now