The shrink

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'' So then what shall it be?'' he asked yet again in a curious tone.

'' whiskey.....neat'' she said to the bartender, now she turned to face Jorge tilting her head to the side and examining his every structure. ''So......may I know why you'd believe me to be an exotic dancer'' she smiled.

Jorge chuckled and turned to face her, '' I'd wonder why a woman as elegantly poise as yourself would be in a place full of sottish bastards'' he motioned his head to the men in the corner arguing about what could be football.

she laughed all too enticingly with her voice being a symphony of hope in a place as hopeless as this. '' Does that mean you're including yourself as well senor?'' she raised a brow.

'' Well I did accuse you of being a.........well let's just call it ''a lady of the night''

''I suppose I could tell you I'm on a break and since this was the nearest place from my workplace I decided why not.''

''mmm and what job might you have that you'd be taking a break.......'' he glanced at his watch before adding ''at 6 pm'

She took a sip of the amber spirit, glaring at him over the rim of the glass with her tongue darting out she licked the liquid from her bottom lip. Jorge felt an uncomfortable feeling in his tight jeans and twisted slightly to ease the tension.

'' I'm a psychiatrist I..........'' before she could continue Jorge lifted a silencing hand.

''say no more you're a shrink right?'' he lifted his half glass of gin and drank it all in one gulp.

She laughed, her voice full of sarcasm ''shrink huh?'' she raised an eyebrow before she continued '' what might your job be? wait don't tell me your a jackass for a living right'' she smiled all too modest.

Jorge laughed amazed by her sense of humor, the women he socialized with always opted for the ''straight to business'' option, Jorge liked that. He didn't like the women who played therapy and opened up about things he thanked God he couldn't remember.
But this shrink was different.

'' uhu so she does have a sense of humor......'' he grins before adding '' if you must know I am a landscape architect I've designed gardens, campuses and neighborhoods......and I.'' before he could continue his rant about his achievements Jorge's phone buzzed and he took it out of his back pocket and glanced at the screen. to his surprise it was a message from Linda the housekeeper;

''senor your father has refused to take his medication and demanded that you'd be the one to give them to him.''

Jorge stood and pushed his phone back into his pocket. ''I sense that was an unpleasant message?'' she asked as she placed a sympathetic palm on his shoulder awakening all of his senses.

''I have to leave it's an emergency.....of some sort'' he stood and gave her a forced smile.

'' well allow me to escort you to your car, seeing as I should also get going'' she grabbed her purse and they walked out into the memorizing sunset. 

The ghost's of his pastМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя