The Kite Festival

Start from the beginning

"And making that sound?" Added Scootaloo.

"That sound means someone needs our help." Bot explained.

Milli said, "When someone has a problem in Umi City, we fix it with our..."

"Mighty Math Powers! We're Team Umizoomi." The team said together.

"Ooh. I don't know you have math powers." Said Scootaloo.

"Neither do we." Said Apple Bloom.

"How are we going to know who needs help?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

Bot said, "We can find out who needs our help right here on my belly belly..."

"Belly screen!" The team said together.

A girl appears on Bot's belly.

"Team Umizoomi, it's me, Jeannie. I really need your help." Said the girl.

"Hi, Jeannie. What's the problem?" Asked Milli.

"Today is the big kite festival, and I brought my special dragon kite to the park. But a big gust of wind blew it out of my hands. And look, it's flying away." Jeannie explained.

She point to the sky and the dragon kite was flying away. Then suddenly the pieces of the kite fell apart.

"All the pieces are falling apart." Said Jeannie.

Milli gasped.

"Yikes!" Said Bot.

"Oh no." Said Geo.

"I really want to fly my kite in the festival." Jeannie said. "Team Umizoomi, can you get my kite back?"

"Don't worry, Jeannie. Well find your kite and get it fixed in a flash." Milli replied.

"Thanks, Team Umizoomi. I knew I could count on you." Said Jeannie.

Bot's belly screen turned off.

"We need to find Jeannie's kite, so she can fly it in the kite festival." Milli said to the kids at home. "We're really going to need your help. Will you help us find Jeannie's kite?"

"Yes!" Said the kids at home.

"Umi-riffic." Said Milli.

"Yes." Said Geo.

"Yeah." Said Bot.

Just then, the crusaders cutie marks started glowing.

"Ooh! We want to help too! We want to help too!" Said the crusaders, jumping up and down.

"Okay, little ones. You can come too." Said Milli.

"We better call Twilight and the others." Said Sweetie Belle as she pulled out a device from her mane.

"Twilight gave it to me so I can call her and the others for help." Sweetie Belle explained.

Sweetie Belle pushed the button and called out to the mane six.

"Twilight! We need you and your friends!" She said.

In split screens, Twilight stopped reading, Rainbow Dash stopped flying fast, Fluttershy stopped snuggling the rabbits, and Pinkie Pie stopped eating her cupcake.

"Right away, Sweetie Belle!" Said Twilight as she headed over to Fountain Headquarters.

"Wait for me!" Said Pinkie Pie as she finishes her cupcake.

"Well, Now you're all on Team Umizoomi with us." Said Milli. "We'll call you... Umi-friends."

"Hello, Umi-friends." Said Bot.

TV Show Adventures I: Team UmizoomiWhere stories live. Discover now