"Whoa," Luca says as he looks inside through the speaker.

"Yes. That's the Magic Singing Lady Machine. It's broken, unfortunately," Alberto tells us and then stats to walk off.

I then notice a handle on the table beside the machine. I pick it up and then notice a hole on the side of the machine. Being curious, I put in the handle part through the hole, and then start to crank it.

After a few turns, the sound of a lady's voice started to sing through the speaker. This got Alberto's attention.

"Whoa! You unbroke it!" Alberto says.

The three of us then listen to the singing voice with astonishment.

I then look to the side and see a poster hanging off from the wall. I walk over to it to get a better look and I could see some sort of transportation thing you could ride on. Alberto notices at what I found and walks beside me while putting his arm around my shoulder.

"What's that?" Luca asks as he joins us.

"Oh, it's just the greatest thing that humans ever made. The Vespa," Alberto tells us.

"Whoa," Luca and I say in unison.

"You just sit on it, and it takes you anywhere you wanna go. In the whole stinking world!" He then continues.

I was so amazed at the picture that I could just imagine me just sitting on it and traveling everywhere. Going passed islands, the ocean, and more.

"Pretty cool, right," I hear Alberto say, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh... Yeah," Luca says, as he then looks around. "Huh. Are you gonna make one? I think you have all the parts."

Alberto and I take a moment to look around, as our eyes then widen with excitement.

"I do have the parts. I am gonna make one! You guys wanna help?" Alberto tells us, and then asks us.

I was about to answer, to say "yes," but Luca speaks before me.

"Us? Yeah! Wait! No, we can't. We gotta go home," Luca tells Alberto.

Oh, yeah. Right. We do gotta go home.

"Right this second?" Alberto asks us.

I let out a sigh, and then look at him.

"Yeah. If my aunt and uncle finds out we were up here, it won't end well," I explained.

"Yeah. So, thank you, but... Goodbye. Forever," Luca then says.

I then look over at the poster, not really wanting to go. I mean, do we really have to go now?

One hour later...

We already started building the Vespa. It's been a while now, but I don't think we should leave yet.

"Okay, but now, we really do have to go," Luca tells Alberto as he brings something that could be used as a wheel.

"Okay. Bye," Alberto tells us.

Forty-five minutes later...

We were almost done making it. We already put in the wheel and are continuing to build the rest of the Vespa.

"Seriously, we have to go, like, now. Like, right now," Luca tells Alberto.

I didn't really want to leave yet. Especially since it's not down yet.

"Okay. See ya," Alberto tells us.

Two hours later...

We finally finish the Vespa. Me and Luca look at it with amazement.

"It's even better than the picture," I say.

"Yeah, it is," Alberto tells me as he looks at it dreamily. But I could have sworn I saw him looking at me with those same eyes.

I could be wrong.

Luca then gasps out of realization.

"Gotta run," He tells Alberto as he runs to the ladder and start to climb down. I wanted to follow him, but I had an even funner way to get down.

"See ya tomorrow!" Alberto tells us.

"See ya," I tell him, and then look at the edge of the tower.

I then get in a running position and the bolt towards the edge. I then jump off and let gravity take me. I then let out a laugh as I fall through the branches of the nearby tree, and then land safely on my feet.

I look back up at the tower and see Alberto looking down at me with amazement in his eyes.

I then lastly wave at him and then run to the water. Luca and I then jump in and start swimming home.


We made it back to the house, but it was already getting dark. Luca puts the fish back in the farm and then meets up with me as we swim inside.

We thought we were safe, until we heard Aunt Daniela speak out of nowhere.

"Luca! Y/n! Where have you two been?" She asks us as she uses her tale to bring us closer.

Uh... what should I say? If I say surface, then things will get crazy. Aunt Daniela might not even let us out of the house anymore. Or even worse. She might lock us in here for the rest of eternity!

"Luca? Y/n? Gonna tell us where you were?" Aunt Daniela's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Uh..." Luca started saying as I was thinking of an excuse.

"It's my fault. I sent them to look for sea cucumbers," Grandma told Aunt Daniela as she was eating her food.

"Right! Sorry, Grandma," I tell her.

"Yeah. We couldn't find them." Luca then tells her.

"Mom, their life is maybe a little more important than your snacks," Aunt Daniela tells Grandma as she swims somewhere else in the house.

Grandma then gives us a look that says that she knows what we were up to and was helping us to keep it a secret.

"Thank you," Luca and I whisper to her.

As the day went on, I was so excited to see Alberto again. I don't know if it was him I was excited to see or being on the surface.

Who cares. At least we get to spend time with him tomorrow. I just wonder what we'll do.

Luca (Alberto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now