Revana Ordo x Fives (NSFW)

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Author's Note: This one-shot is an oc that will be featured in My Darling Fox, she is owned by Templar_Assassin here on Wattpad.

Warnings: Smut, Swearing, violence, drinking, and of course Lilith McCleod shenanigans.


Revana dove for cover as the cavalier-clad figure of Lilith McCleod dove down to her left, they were pinned down by a swarm of B1 and B2 battle droids. Revana ducked down "There are too many of them to make it back to the ship," she informed Lilith.

The Mandalorian spirited humanoid from a planet called Earth nodded in agreement "They don't want us reaching the Havoc Marauder and for good reason." Lilith said, "Hunter tell me your onboard the ship because Revana and I are pinned down and taking heavy fire out here."

"We made it to the ship ma'am, we are on our way to you now," Hunter said.

The leader of the famed Bad Batch was the squad of Commandos she and Lilith both worked well with, though the others respected Lilith, the Bad Batch were just as crazy and wild as the Earthborn Mandalorian. Lilith fired a couple of shots from her blaster rifle before pulling a droid popper from her belt. Just as she threw it did the Havoc Marauder arrive. With the class of ship, it was, it easily cleared a path big enough for them to climb aboard and get the hell out of there.

While they were in transit Lilith winced "Your hurt," Hunter pointed out.

Lilith looked at Hunter "Tis only a flesh wound." the older female said.

Hunter rolled his eyes and signaled for Tech to come over. Lilith rolled her eyes, as Tech checked her over "Just a scratch really," Tech said assessingly.

Lilith just looked at Huter with a smirk "See a flesh wound,"

Revana rolled her eyes and shook her head a smile crossing her lips as Lilith began to put all her weapons on the table. Under the backplate held a hidden back halster, that if you were looking at her from the front...if the looks on Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and Tech's faces were any indication it looked as if she was reaching up her shebs to get the hidden pistol.

Lilith had her slug throwers, as well as several blaster pistols, and blaster rifles hidden or open viewed around her body, she also had various knives also and placing them onto the table.
When she was finished there were about twenty knives of various sizes laid out on the table with ten various blasters.

Crosshair's toothpick fell out of his mouth as Tech walked over to check Lilith's person for any injuries from again their point of view, pulling a blaster out of her ass. Revana couldn't hold in her laughter anymore and doubled over as Lilith swatted Tech away "Why are you checking my ass for?" Lilith said with a laugh

"They think you pulled your blaster out of your ass," Revana explained trying to push a leash on her laughter.

Lilith snorted "As I could fit that in there,"

Lilith removed her shoulder bells, upper arm armor, and vanbraces, before removing the chest and back plate opening up she pointed "Hidden back holster." she said, "Have to lean down a bit to reach it,"

"Creative," Tech mused before walking back to his seat.

Crosshair pointed with his finger "Why all the weapons?"

"While in the Marines I learned early that you need to be prepared for any situation, knives are easy to conceal as are pistols if you know where to hide them," Lilith explained

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