Chapter 1 - The Painter

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"Mama! Tell us a story." A pink colored girl scrambled up onto a wrinkled bed, excitedly. She patted the bed for her first best friend to join her. The blonde male did, placing his head into her lap. She played with his soft hair as the boy watched a figure across the bed.

A tall woman with long, brown hair chuckled, walking to the bed. "Okay, you two. Now come on in, cuddle in close." She picked up the blonde and settled him on one side of her. Her eyes rolled playfully as he whined at the movement. "Yuga, Kaiyo, have I ever told you the story about how sunsets were made?"

Kaiyo scrambled to her mother's side, looking up with beady, blue eyes.The pink splotchy child had practically pounced on the older woman, causing her to tip over slightly. "No, no! You haven't." She bounced excitedly. Her hands reached and shook at a thigh.

Kaiyo loved her mother's stories. As she told them, her auburn eyes would look at the listener so kindly. They were soft and gentle, unlike any others before. That's what she loved about her mother's eyes, just how different they were. Sure any other mother's eyes could be seen as the same. But when Kaiyo would be at Yuga's, the eyes of his mother were different. Filled with love, yes, but something else. Her mother's eyes were truly the eyes of a protector.

"What's the story, Miss Shiori?" Yuga Aoyama cuddled close, enjoying the warmth of the mother. He smiled, becoming sleepy at the change of temperature.

"Let me get there." She teased. Clearing her throat, the mother began. "Once upon a time, when there was only a black sky and a blue sky, the people of a village prayed often to the lord above. They cried and begged for something to tell them night was approaching. But to no avail, nothing came. Darkness corrupted many, as the tell of time was gone."

Kaiyo gasped, leaning into her mother. "Oh no! That's bad. Darkness is scary." She looked up, tears pricking her eyes at the story. Somehow, for a little girl, Kaiyo was always the emotional type. She felt empathy for anyone or anything, even fictional. It was something adults couldn't understand, but often stated was a 'good quality' as many other kids would throw tantrums and hit others.

"I know. It was so tragic." Shiori combed a hand through Kai and Aoyama's hair. Thankfully, Kai's hair was not affected by her quirk at the time. Though, the little girl's body was slowly morphing into a gum like consistency. "But in this village, a man who was beloved by everyone began to paint. He painted everything! The sky, his home, other people. No matter what he drew, he'd give it away for free. This man was known as the Painter. He was poor and fragile, not able to buy a lot of things for himself after his wife had passed.

One day, this man came across a little girl. She was hungry and begging for food. Instead of walking to buy his own food, the Painter gave her the rest of his money. Then, suddenly, the girl was revealed to be a goddess. She disguised herself to see if this village truly was worth her time. To see such a kind man, she decided to give him one wish. Once again, he decided to help others. The Painter asked for a way to see when night was coming. The Goddess smiled and nodded, 'Let me find a way and I will help them as soon as I can.'' She said.

The next day she returned to find the Painter dead. The village mourned this kind man's death. That is when the Goddess had an idea. She told the village the old man will return to them soon. With that, she disappeared with the old man's body. Later, instead of night suddenly appearing, beautiful colors filled the sky. Orange, red, yellow, and many more. The village did not have to guess who had helped them, for it was the old man who received eternal life to paint the sky."

The mother looked down to see her daughter and friend fast asleep, a smile on each of their faces. She slipped off of the bed carefully, humming a lullaby. She brushed back some of her hair behind her ear and pulled the blankets over them. Before leaving, Shiori kissed both of their foreheads and whispered a sweet goodnight.

That was the story Kaiyo had grown up with. A story of how sunsets and sunrises were created, a beautiful tale of love and friendship. It was another reason the girl began to grow with the idea of good karma. If you help others, you would get help and other goods in return. But, once she hit high school, Kaiyo began to see how wrong that statement would be.

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