"People have no idea who the people behind the drivers are."

"But those people are fans. Teams know you, they know you have a daughter working at Mercedes. We have more family members working in motorsports, and that doesn't matter to anyone. Nobody knows how Pierre and I met in the first place. Yes, we started dating while working in F1, but it all started back at high school." Juliette bit her lip tightly in an attempt to hide any sound that wanted to escape from her mouth.

Edward always knew what to say, but he was speechless. He understood the bosses on this situation, he had read the statements of his own team with strong arguments. He also understood Juliette, perhaps more than the statements from the teams.

"I failed." An ugly sound left her mouth, and she gasped for air. The tears came out violently.

"You didn't fail," Edward said. "You are so strong, you have been fighting for everything. Look where you are right now, you made it. You proved everyone wrong who said you wouldn't make it."

She was shaking her head. "I failed, dad. I may have succeeded in proving people wrong and removing the toxic people out of my life, but I...I removed the right people too. I let people down." Juliette squeezed her eyes closed. "I should've talked to Sara, I should have apologised. I hurt her so much. I should've told someone about what happened in my life, so many people offered help. Do you know how many times Anthoine has begged me to make it up with Pierre and Sara?" She looked back at her dad. "A billion times. I never listened to him, because I was scared Pierre and Sara would hate me. And now... There will never be the four of us ever again." Her voice cracked, and she broke into tears again.

Edward wrapped his arms tightly around his daughter.


"Easy, calm down. It's alright," he whispered. "Breath, Julie."

She inhaled, her breath was shaky, and she exhaled.


"Anthoine... he..." Juliette took a deep breath. "I miss Anthoine so much. We planned a dinner after Spa, that Sunday evening. I recently found out he planned that dinner with Pierre and Sara as well, same time, same place. You would think he double booked it, but this was his plan to get us all together. Anthoine planned a dinner with the four of us, that sneaky bastard tried to get us back together." Juliette tightly held her dad. "And instead of doing the one thing Anthoine wanted, I'm still arguing with Sara, losing Pierre again - causing more trouble for him, because I had to be in F1 to piss off maman. What would have happened if I didn't get into F1? Perhaps I got back in touch with Pierre and Sara again, maybe not. I lost Sara, Anthoine and Pierre. It's my fault all over again."

"It's not your fault, absolutely not." He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands. "This isn't your fault."

"It is," Juliette shot back.

Edward wiped away the tears with his thumbs. "It is not, Juliette."

"Then why have I lost Pierre again? Because I work in F1, what is his sport. It is my fault I did this. I caused a shit load of trouble in Mercedes, in Toto Rosso, in Red Bull, in F1. If I wasn't here, it wouldn't have happened."

"You cannot control love, Juliette. I know you, I know Pierre, and you will be fighting for what you want."

Juliette shook her head and blinked the tears away. "I'm quitting."

"Don't say that." It broke his heart. "They're only doing this because Mercedes is too quick. This isn't about you, nor Pierre, this is about Mercedes. Don't quit, Julie. I'm sorry to say this, but quitting for Pierre because you're dating for a few months, isn't it. If you are meant to be together, you will find your way back to each other eventually."

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