Chapter 21: Houselves, Hagrid, and Letters

Start from the beginning

My Dearest Rose, 

I'm so sorry that happened to you my dear. Boys are quite stupid, but unfortunatly you'll have to experience so much more of this now that you're older. Did quidditch tryouts go well? Whatever that is. 

Your father has been talking with Vernon and Petunia about a new deal. He had to help repair a window, it broke somehow. Apparently your great-grandmother is really driving the family crazy. She's taken up some sort of weird water expercise. Apparently she saw it on some sort of show, anyway, she apparently wants to talk to you this summer. Something about how you've grown. I think she's finally losing it.

Stay safe, love. Don't let Draco get you down. 


Rose giggled as she thought about how her family in Korea must be racing around to keep up with her grandma. Rose tucked away her letter with the rest, Halmonee is so much more active then aunty. Rose pulled up her blankets, thinking of her usual things. The new potions she created, the idea of a deathday party, and the amount of mud that was outside. 

Next day: 

Classes were quick that Friday, Rose was talking with Hagrid with the massive pumpkins in front of her. Hagrid was very proud of his pumpkins and squashes, as he should, they could fit three men inside each. Hagrid easily picked up one, while Rose gulped. 

"Hagrid, what are we doing with them?" Hagrid looked towards her with a smile, "Takin' 'em to the kitchen 'of course. Come on." Rose lifted her wand and levitated the huge pumpkins before her, only two went up. She was horrified going down the corridors; students were almost smacked with the pumpkins she levilated or squashed or trampled on by Hagrid. "Watch it!" Rose watched as the freshmen squealed and flattened themselves against the wall, "Sorry." Rose managed to follow behind Hagrid. Hagrid decided to carry a conversation, "So, 'ow are yeh doing Rose? Professer Snape and Pomfry ain't workin' yeh too 'ard?" Rose shrugged, "It's really hard work. I deserve it though, I did attack people." Hagrid huffed towards her as he crouched through a doorway, "Yeh were provoked. That rat Malfoy hurt yeh, don' think I didn't notice yeh looks. Yeh look like someone betrayed yeh, which 'e did." Rose sighed softly, dodging a houself, "Hagrid…" Hagrid chuckled, "Don't yeh try and say anythin'. Let's finish this task and we'll have a bit o tea." Rose nodded as she followed the half giant around, speaking about dragons. 

"Beautiful creatures they are-I used to 'ave one." Hagrid smiled as he had misty eyes, "Norbert, though it turns out they're now Noberta." Rose giggled as she held a pumpkin in her arms walking in the hut, "Norbert is a wonderful name Hagrid. My grandmother told me dragons protected my family, though… She's a muggle. It's still comforting to have someone to speak with about magical creatures." Hagrid looked proud as he blushed, "Well, I ain't a professor but I love the creatures. Ask away." Rose thought of every creature she learned about, but paused, "Those animals… pulling the carriages. What are they?" Hagrid froze looking at her in shock, "Yeh can see 'em?" Rose nodded as she held the large tea cup, "Yeah, Neville and Alice said they couldn't." Rose was quiet, Hagrid seemed to become sad as he stated, "Well… Not everyone can see 'em." Rose looked to him, "Really? Why can I see them?" Hagrid gulped before he stated, "Well… yeh see… Yeh can't see them unless yeh seen death." Rose looked surprised before she looked down, "Oh… I see." Hagrid looked towards her upset, "Rose… How-" Rose shook her head before smiling, "We better finish up our tasks." Rose lifted the pumpkin again taking off her robe and pulling up her sleeves, "Do you have a knife Hagrid?" Hagrid looked towards her before standing, "I do, give me a second." Hagrid walked to the other side of his hut while Rose took out her wand, using the tip with a small charm to mark out a carving. 

"What yeh gonna carve it as?" Rose smiled as she giggled, "A classic jack-o-lantern. I just want to do it the muggle way, it's fun." Hagrid chuckled as Rose carved the opening and scooped the insides into a bowl, she was going to pick out the seeds a little bit later. Hagrid decided to ask about her celebrations at home, "What did yeh family do fer Halloween? Never seen muggles decorate." Rose giggled as she looked towards him, "Well, Omma roasts the pumpkin seeds, while Appa carves them with me. My appa can make a masterful decoration, he carved a witch and bats flying the year before I went to Hogwarts." Hagrid looked impressed as Rose smiled, "My mom hates the mess, but I found it fun." Hagrid chuckled as he watched his boarhound fang wag his tail. Rose was elbows deep in the pumpkin, scooping out the last innards, before nodding and looking at the large bowl of seeds and pumpkin guts. "Well, maybe I can use a little magic on that part." Hagrid laughed so loud that some decorations shivered in the hut, he grabbed his pink umbrella and tapped the bowl. Rose was astounded at the sight of the items seprating. Hagrid winked and held up a finger to his lips, Rose smiled as she carved the face bit by bit. After they finished Rose make a little fire in the pumpkin before she bid Hagrid farewell. On her way back she was surprised, "Merlin?" Merlin was going after something causing her to fuss at him, "Merlin! No!" Rose put down her pumpkin and raced over, a squeaky voice spoke back once Rose quelled Merlin. 

"T-Thank you miss." Rose looked towards the large eyed houself. He wore an old pillowcase, large green eyes, and huge ears, "You don't work here, are you okay? I'm so sorry about Merlin." The large eyes widened before he smiled, "Y-Yes, Thank you so much. I'm Dobby, Dobby the House Elf. And you are Ms. Rose Park." Rose looked surprised, "Dobby? Well it's wonderful to meet you, but why are you at Hogwarts?" Rose noticed him shivering, as it had grown chilly, she gently pulled out her wand. Dobby flinched, shielding his face but immediately Rose knelt down, "Oh, I won't harm you. It's cold, I just want to make sure you're warm." Rose gently taped Dobby who broke into loud sobs, "Ms. Rose is so generous. S-So kind to Dobby she is." Rose turned pink as she sat on the ground bringing her pumpkin towards her, "Oh, please, don't cry. Why was Merlin messing with you?" Merlin ooed with his feathers fluffing, "Dobby was at fault. Dobby was going to send you a letter, but… Dobby pulled the feather a bit too hard." Rose looked surprised checking Merlin, "I'm sorry Dobby. Merlin came from a tough place, I'm afriad he does not trust many people." Dobby looked towards Rose with Admiration, "Dobby has heard from his masters of your kindness, and beauty. Never did he expect your warm heart, miss." Rose blushed again as she giggled, "Your masters? You serve someone else?" Dobby looked nervous which Rose quickly stated, "Don't worry, you don't have to tell me who." Dobby looked relieved before he reached in his pillowcase, "For you miss." Rose received an envelope, she looked at it confused, "What for?" Dobby looked sad and scared, "You must protect yourself. Terrible things are going to happen. Dobby knows many would be upset if your kindness was lost." Rose looked concerned, "What? Dobby-" Dobby bowed to her before quickly apologizing, "Dobby must go. Forgive Dobby for his harassment of Merlin." With a pop Dobby disappeared, Rose and Merlin sat there astounded. Terribe things, Rose worried, What does this have to do with me? 


"Wonderful pumpkin Rose!" Rose thanked the Hufflepuffs near her before she ducked into her room. Merlin flew off after Rose checked all over him. Rose pulled out the letter, and opened it. 

Dear Ms. Rose,

Dobby's masters have spoken about you a lot recently. About your brilliance and kindness, Dobby begs you not to try and help anyone this year. Terrible things are going to happen. The master would be terribly upset if you were harmed. Dobby wishes you safe times, head warning to the people around you. Things are not how they seem.

Dobby the house elf 

Rose was astounded, "What terrible things? People around me?" Rose's head swarmed in confusion, she had no idea what to do. Rose held the letter before sighing, "There is nothing I can do right now. I just hope Dobby is wrong." 

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