to the mall

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I turned my phone off and walked down the stairs to meet my mum. "Here your dad gave you this," she said as she handed me a plain white envelope. I ripped open the top and took out a piece of paper that was nicely placed inside, it read: to y/n, I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birthday this year I know it's the 5th time but I'll try and see you some time this year, love dad. I rolled my eyes and threw the letter on the bench. I looked inside the envelope and saw $50. I took it out and showed my mum. "I'm going to the mall do you wanna come spend your money?" She asked. "Sure," I said. I walked to the door and slipped on my black Nikes.

We spent the next 30 minutes just sitting in traffic, and it was only a Saturday. " So, are you excited for your first day at your new school?" she asked. " Not really," I replied in a dull tone. "Would you get off that phone and have a real conversation with me?" She said in a annoyed tone. I texted my friend one last time before turning my phone off. We finally got into a parking space and got out of our car. We walked through the big glass automatic doors and into a big ass mall. This mall was way bigger than the ones in new Zealand. I immediately sent a picture to
y/b/f/n. She started to type a reply when my mum snatched my phone out of my hand. " Heyyy give it back, that's private property," I complained while trying to get my phone back. " I don't care, we are here to spend bonding time not playing on our phones, and would you stop complaining you sound like a baby," she said as she put my phone into her bag.

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