Her eyes wandered to search for Oikawa. I smiled at the sight of her. 

"Oh god, she is here again. She is always after my ass. Why cant she bother her famous hot model boyfriends..." Oikawa huffed.

I didn't know what occurred to me. I slapped Oikawa's face.

"What the hell that was for...?" Oikawa was shocked.

"You say you know its love when you see one. Then who is she to you?" I ask Oikawa, pointing to Alisa as she asked everyone around where is Oikawa. 

"What? Alisa...love me? Nah man.. she is...." Oikawa slowly got lost in his words. Alisa's hair fluttered with little shine.  Alisa waved at Oikawa and signalling she is coming towards us.

"But she was the one who set me on...dates....oh...shit...." Oikawa got into realisation.

"Alisa likes me????" Oikawa confused and shocked.

"You have lot of mending to do to her heart Oikawa. I know you don't like her yet. But even you know, people who are in love should be treated with mercy." I continue.

"Imagine a day without Alisa coming after your ass." I say.
"Imagine her being herself to other guys. Imagine her being mad at other guys. If love is about letting go and sacrifice, just like how Ushijima envisioned for me. Then ask yourself Oikawa...." I continue.

Oikawa and I suddenly got hugged by Alisa. Alisa hugged me from behind. Her eyes glittered. Her soul was pretty as her. 

She went to Oikawa and hit his shoulder.

"You bastard!! You qualified for semi finals and didn't even call me..." She yelled.

"I was..you were busy with your dumb photoshoo-" Oikawa tried to say something, but he saw my face. He cleared his throat.

"I am sorry. I should have called you..." He spoke seriously. Alisa was confused with his behaviour change.

"Ewwww...why you're being nice to me..." Alisa exclaimed. I laughed.

"What...I..." Oikawa tried to say something but calmed down. He slowly came closer to Alisa and gave her a head-pat.

I could see Alisa's cheek turning red and her palms turning into a tight fist. I smirked. I knew how she was feeling right now. It reminded me of Ushijima when he first held my hands without any warning. 

I gave Oikawa a thumbs up. "You're doing great", I whispered behind Alisa's back. 

I slowly walked away.  I see Alisa hitting Oikawa's chest. Oikawa pulled her into a hug.

"Oi what you hugging me for..." Alisa's voice muffled.

"cause I reached semi-finals as you asked for so shut up blondie..." Oikawa spoke, and winked at me. I smiled and left the spot.


I see the boys now leaving for the stadium.

They all had an evil grin.

I could hear them.

"Formation -1!!!?" Hinata jumped as he neared the bus.

"MAN..." Miya exclaimed.

"Guess Kageyma is up for first set with Hinata..." Aran spoke.

"Ushijima wants a fucking bloodbath..." Yaku exclaimed.

"We haven't done the minus duo tempo since last 5 years." Kageyama spoke.

"Yall crazy if you think Ushijima doesn't remember the match between Karasuno and Shiratorizawa..." Bokuto spoke.

Suddenly I see Ushijima entering, coldly drinking his water. 

All the boys stood with respect.

"Formation -1. It is..." He coldly spoke.

I see some of the boys sweating.

"You really want them to hate us don't you...." Sakusa spoke.

"They can hate us all the want after the match." Ushijima spoke. He quickly turned his gaze towards me.

"They should know who they are messing with." Ushijima coldly ended the meeting and headed to the bus as the boys followed him. 


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Sweet Tooth [Ushijima x Reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora