All night, I'll riot with you

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Disclaimer: they are 19-21 in this and apparently Aphrodi is Dua Lipa AGHSBSGS

Oh's him.

Aphrodite watches dreadfully as a tall boy with purple hair waltzes towards the stage. Aphrodi recognizes the girl with him, she works at a popular cafe in the mall. If he's not mistaken her name is Norika. He's also seen the other boy-a younger looking and energetic fella with spikey black hair-before. The only one he doesn't recognize is the short, chubby and angry-looking brunette trailing after them.

By the looks of it, Aphrodite makes a safe guess that he's probably been dragged here against his will.

Anyhow, back to the curly haired issue at hand. Aphrodi has practically memorized the guy's face by now. Sure, he's of course seen some recurring fans at his concerts, but none of them have been quite as vocal and memorable as this one. The sight of the boy brings up both feelings of dread and excitement all at once.

Now, don't get it twisted. Aphrodite isn't afraid or anything by the fan's presence, as far as he's concerned, the other is harmless. He's just very, very loud.

Loud as in, he can single-handedly yell louder than the entire crowd of teenage girls that somehow always manage to get a place at the front of the stage. It's ridiculous and a little endearing, though Aphrodite knows well enough that both his bodyguards and the other guests find it annoying.

Whatever. It doesn't bother Aphrodi. At least Purple doesn't yell to the point that Aphrodite can't hear himself sing.

Pushing his intrusive thoughts aside, Aphrodite gets started on the concert.

"Thank you all so much for coming tonight!" Aphrodite hears one of the teen girls giggle at the statement. He has to repress an amused snort. "It truly is a delight for me to be able to perform for all,you beautiful people!"

He blows a kiss towards the crowd, just for good measure. Then he gestures for the lights to dim. He rarely ever performs in complete darkness, considering he's had a few incidents of people either throwing presents (in the vague sense of the word) at him in the dark or succeeding to climb up the stage because his security guards couldn't see crap.

The loud guy pulls out a yellow-blue colored glowstick, Aphrodite's signature colors. Purple seems insistent on showing it off, despite the fact that it wasn't all that dark in the concert hall. He waves it around like a child with a paper windmill, his wide smile bringing out his dimples.

What a cute guy Aphrodite finds himself thinking. It's a thought he has often whenever he sees his biggest fan smiling like that.

The instrumentals start playing and Aphrodite patiently allows his fans to start with the yelling. It's become like a tradition by now, his fans scream and yell before he starts singing, quiet down once he gets started and scream again once the chorus comes on.

"WOOOOO! APHRODI!! KICK-ASS!" Purple yells above all the others, much to the grumbling annoyance of the already loud girls up front.

Aphrodi takes the risk and smiles specifically in the direction of the dark-skinned boy. He knows it's easy to mistake a celebrity smile as being directed towards somebody else, but he hopes Purple knows it's directed at him.

And boy, does he.

Aphrodite watches with glee as the man abruptly stops shouting and turns bright red. He blinks up at Aphrodi a little stupidly while his friends excitedly nudge at him. The fan girls up front start squealing, having misread the smile as being for them.

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