chapter three

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'𝑾𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒃𝒆 𝒆𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉.'



"Standard practice calls for a tactical retreat immediately after a sneak attack." Tsukasa stated. "But the alternative does involved risks choosing to pursue carries it's own advantage."

Gen was suspicious about Tsukasa's words, "Pursue who?"

"Isn't it obvious? Our new friend, the pilot of that plane." Senku replied calmly. "A whole corn field would be a lucky find that'd save us years of cultivation and propagation. Don't forget why we came all the way-the corn."

"Ahem. I meant...." Gen said then titled his head sideways. "Who will be doing...the pursuing?"

Senku suddenly announced that Gen, Kohaku and Chrome will be the one pursuing the enemy.

"I knew it." Gen said with anime tears streaming down his face. "I knew it but I asked anyway."

"Me the explorer! Gen the mentalist! And Kohaku the, the body guard with hyper vision." Chrome stated enthusiastically. "The ultimate trio for tracking someone down."

"Plus, the enemy might notice a large group." Kohaku agreed with Chrome's statement.

"Our foes footprints are cinch to spot." Gen commented as they followed the trail which could possibly led to their enemy.

Kohaku was on the look out on anything that may attack them at any given time.

Chrome, who is carrying a primitive phone on his back, yelled, "Baaad! Way to go Gen!"

They arrived at the forest and the dual haired man is now definitely questioning his existence, "Is the mentalist even necessary? This tracking job is way too simple-"

He then stopped on his tracks which made the other two stop as well. Gen's eyes widened in realization, now knowing what their plan is.

"Wait. Something's off. They're luring us in." Gen muttered. "This enemy knows exactly what they're doing."

Stanley was waiting on a branch of the tree, finally seeing a silhouette from afar, he quickly deducted that they are one of them.

Gen approached a tree and greeted them in english, "H-hello? Is anyone there?"

A figure jumped down from above which made Gen surprise by it's sudden appearance. A gun is being pointed directly on his face and the dual haired mentalist knew that this is the person who is operating the aircraft.

"Whoa! Who are you!? I toootally didn't realize anyone was up there!"

Stanley didn't answer and proceeded to pat Gen down.

"How terrifying! Please don't point that gun at me!" Gen exclaimed. "Patting me down? I swear I'm not carrying any weapons."

"Yeah no weapons but you got something up your sleeve." Stanley replied as he lit up the cigarette hanging loosely on his mouth. "Who are you?"

Gen showed him what was hidden on his sleeves, which are flowers.

"A magician?" Stanley asked.

"That's right!"

"I can tell from patting you down, you got strong hands and not much else, unlike those samurai friends of yours." The blonde haired man stated calmly.

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