They stared at each others eyes not minding those heroes who's suspiciously looking at them.

i didn't know Granger was this Handsome with his pale skin---for the sake of the lord what are you talking about Guinevere Baroque!

Their starring session was cut off by the Lightborn squad.

She was shock at the moment as she quickly stood up.

This is embarrassing get a grip Guinevere Baroque and act like nothing happen!

"*cough* Are you okay Miss Violet?" Tigreal was checking her if she got bruises but found nothing.

Granger was now staring at the trembling girl.

"Miss Violet you're shaking!" she earned a worried look from Fanny and Harith.

"Dude you're scaring her!" Alucard whispered on the Marksman.

It was true that he's trying to scare the girl but he noticed she's a fragile woman.

"Did i scare you MISS VIOLET?" he eyed the trembling girl.

Guinevere shake her head immediately she doesn't like the way he ask her. She sense Sarcastic in his voice or it was just her imagination.

"We're sincerely apologize Miss Violet, you see Gloo was stealing our lunch and running away from us." Franco interrupt their talk feel guilty for what happened earlier.

She released a deep sighed and embarrassed smile at the group of Tanks.

"D-Don't apologize Mister Franco it was really my fault i should not block the way. I'm sorry" she then bow her head as a sign of apologizing.

Franco reassured her that it was fine and bid for good bye as soon as he joined the Group of Tank who's waiting at the Exit of Cafeteria.

"so that's the reason why you fell on Granger'" she can see the amusement written in Fanny's expression.

Guinevere nodded her head slowly before she heard a familiar.

"Guinevere! What happened we heard you fell on the flo---oh" Natalia was stunned a moment she saw her best friend with her past squad.

Lesley then sprinted infront of her to check if she's okay, she sigh in relief that nothing happened to her physically.

Everyone look at them weirdly enough to notice that they're blocking the way.

"I think it's better if we off now to our respective classrooms Miss Violet here seems Fine." Tigreal cleared his throat before pulling Fanny and Harith whose eating his Popsicle sticks.

yes that's right! HE should go now i can feel my heart can't stop vibrating because of his stare.

Granger nodded in compliance but before he walk away he look at her in mysterious way that she can't figure out.

Fanny smile awkwardly, "I hope you're okay Miss Violet, it's great to see you again Nat."

Natalia did the same gesture.

Alucard smile and nodded at them before pushing Granger.

As soon as the Lightborn squad vanished in their eyesight, Lesley whispered something to Natalia.

"He will understand you soon why you choose to leave them for good, Nat."

Guinevere knew that Natalia was a former member of Lightborn squad and choose to left them for some particular reason.

"Cheer up Nat! Let's forget what happened earlier." the red head tried to cheer up her friend.

"I know, Thank you girls but I'm fine seriously." Natalia cheerfully said but they can see the sadness in her eyes.

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