Bonding activity

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Tommy had always loved to race; it was him and his brother's favorite activity for years now. Wilbur had raced for years now and from the moment tommy had seem him speed across the finish line of his first race he'd fallen in love with the atmosphere, the speed, the sound of tyers against pavement, the smell of petrol in the air, it filled Tommy with excitement. At first it was just watching Wilbur race, he'd win almost every race and Tommy was always cheered the loudest. And then, when he was 10 and Wilbur was 17, he'd gotten to sit in the passenger seat while Wilbur whipped around the track. It was the best day of his life, the danger of it thrilled him, from then on Wilbur had involved him a lot more in his racing.

Now, at age 16, Tommy was an important member of Wilbur's pit crew and would occasionally borrow his car to race himself, and he loved it. He'd discovered he actually liked being in the pit crew, he'd never been the best at school, but engines made sense to him, they were logical, and it was always the same. He'd also met his best friend through it, Tubbo worked as part of Ranboos pit crew and the two were inseparable, he was less sure about Ranboo, they'd raced on a few occasions and Tommy didn't want to admit that Ranboo was probably better then him. "In the mood for a race?" Wilbur asked coming into the room, Tommy whipped his hands on a rag,
"Always" he smiled at his brother, "Who am I racing?"
"Me, Techno, I think Ranboo will be there" Wilbur knew about his and Ranboos rivalry and thought it was hilarious,
"At least I won't come last, who's car am I driving?" he asked, Wilbur threw him a pair of keys that he caught easily, he recognized them as Phil's keys "You're fucking with me"
"Nope" his brother crossed his arms, a smug look on his face,
"Phil's letting me drive his car"
"Yep" he said, "although I have no clue why, you can barely drive my car."
"I'm going to destroy all of you," He smiled leaving the room "I'm gunna go see my car"
"Hey, what about my car?" Will called after him,
"Running smoothly as always," He walked backwards "although she might not be after I leave you in the dust"
"I wouldn't be so sure about that" his brother called "the car won't make you any better at driving,"
"I'm amazing at driving" he yelled back, he couldn't hear his brother's response, so he turned back around and continued walking.

He walked up the track to the checkered line where Phil and Techno were already stood, their green and red cars shining in the sun. Phil had become a sort of farther figure to Tommy and Wilbur over the years, he owned the track they raced at, and still raced himself. Techno was a friend of Phil's mostly really but him and Wilbur had been competing against each other for years now, unlike the other drivers, he always managed to keep a calm head on his shoulders, Tommy and no clue how he did it. "Phil" Tommy yelled catching the two men's attention, he ran the last stretch of distance between them,
"Hey, you got the keys?" Tommy held them up him, "it's all yours," he stood back from the door and tommy opened it, sliding behind the wheel.
"I can't believe your letting him drive your car" Techno rolled his eyes,
"Well I wasn't racing so I figured someone should take her for a ride" Phil shrugged, "How you liking it?" He asked Tommy, leaning on the open door,
"I don't know why you're letting me do this" he laughed "but thank you, I actually have a chance to win"
"I don't know blade here is pretty fast" Techno patted the roof of his blood red car, Tommy opened his mouth to retort but stopped as Ranboo pulled up in his car ender. Ender was all black and was so clean you could see your reflection in it, Tommy hated to admit it, but Ranboo did look cool stepping out of his car. He smiled as Tubbo stepped put the passenger seat, "Tubbo" He smiled at his friend, he was covered in car grease as always, but Tommy got out of the car and threw a arm around him,
"Hey, you racing?" Tubbo asked, putting his arm around Tommy,
"Where's your car?" Tommy smiled smugly,
"Well" he walked over and patted the roof of Phil's car, the brunet gasped,
"You're letting him drive your car?" He turned to Phil now, who just shrugged,
"I'm very trustworthy" Tommy smiled getting into the driver's seat,
"Please don't crash, this car was expensive" Phil said,
"I won't I know how to drive." At that moment Wilbur pulled up in friend.

"Ready" Tubbo yelled, the four of them revved their engines, the buzz from the engine made Tommy fill with excitement. "Go!" Tubbo yelled and Tommy put his foot down. He sped around the track, quickly over taking Ranboo and Wilbur, he picked up more speed and he laughed, he'd forgotten how wonderful racing felt. Going as fast as the car could, picking up speed, seeing the cars in front of him, watching the world zoom past his windows, barley a blur in his peripheral vision, it filled him with adrenalin, and he loved it. Will's car was great, Tommy would be lying if he said he didn't love that car and all their cars were nice don't get me wrong, they were all fast, races were always fair but Phil's car, Phil's car was something else. It felt like it was alive, like at any moment it would speed up and Tommy would lose all control, he was living for the feeling. Tommy yelled as he raced over the finish line, skidding to a halt and jumping out the car, still yelling. The race had been close techno had just barley won, Tommy was second followed by Wilbur and Ranboo. "I so nearly won that" He yelled jumping up and down, "You two were miles behind," he laughed as his brother flipped him off,
"You only won because of the car" he rolled his eyes,
"The car doesn't make you any better at driving" he retorted at his brother.
"Well done" Ranboo stretched his hand out to him,
"Why are you so nice all the time?" he asked shaking the taller boys hand, who just shrugged.
"Phil" he ran over to the older man "Did you see me? I was so fast"
"Yeah you did good" He laughed at the boy's excitement "You should enter in a proper race, you'd win and get a nice trophy to put on a shelf"
"I'm good, the look on Wilbur's face is enough for me" he nudged his brother, who look unimpressed,
"I hate you" everyone else laughed but Wilbur.
"Come on dinner on me" Phil smiled walking towards his car, they all did the same and drove back to Phil's, Tommy bullying Wilbur all the way there. 

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