Chapter One: Quackity's Reason

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Karl and Sapnap had a bit of trouble taking care of Tommy.

In the first two months, they had no idea what to do. It was usually Quackity who took care of Tommy. Now that Quackity went back to work, the other two husbands had to take care of the small and precious Tommy.  

To their luck, Sapnap's parents, Bad and Skeppy, came to help and explained how to take care of a baby.

"How did you guys accept to take care of a baby when you guys can't even take care of yourself?" Bad asked annoyed when he held Tommy in his arms, cradling him to quiet him down from all the crying.

Sapnap and Karl looked ashamed. Quackity, oddly enough, was good at taking care of Tommy. The problem was he wasn't a stay at home dad. He was the reason the other two could stay at home without working for a long time. The other two streamed online games, but that wasn't enough to help the three of them.

"I don't know. We thought we could take care of him when Quackity went to work. I guess Q is more attached with kids..." Bad and Skeppy looked at Sapnap. They couldn't believe what Sapnap said could be true. They new Quackity was a goof ball than the other two, but it seemed the parent role for Q's attitude was the opposite.

When Quackity came home, he was surprised to see his in-laws at home explaining how to take care of Tommy to the two other husbands.

"Bad? Skeppy? What are you two doing here?"

Bad explained to Quackity that Sapnap and Karl had called them to ask for advice to take care of Tommy, since they were getting worried that they weren't doing a good job. Quackity was glad that they called his in-laws, but smacked his two husbands on the heads and grabbed Tommy from Bad.

Tommy giggled at his two parents who whined in pain from the smack Quackity had given them on the head. Quackity huffed and scolded his two husbands, telling both that they would be sleeping on the couch for the night, instead of asking for his help and annoying Bad and Skeppy for their time.

"Oh, don't worry Q! They weren't bothering us, we're glad we could help, but he is right Sapnap and Karl. You should of asked Quackity for the help if you both knew Quackity could help Tommy." The two husbands faked cried and held onto each of Quackity's legs, beging for his forgiveness. Mainly, not wanting to sleep without their husband in bed. Q only chuckled as he thanked Bad and Skeppy for helping out his husbands and offered them to stay over to feed them with his famous enchiladas.

The two thanked him and Bad helped him out.

Skeppy helped Karl and Sapnap to take care of the baby.

"Sapnap told us that a friend of yours had to give up his child. That's a shame honestly. Tommy is just a baby." Bad began.

"I know. Although, I'm glad he trusted us to raise him. Honestly, I wasn't thinking of raising kids, at least not at the moment. It's somewhat of a struggle when your two other husbands have no idea what to do with one baby." Bad and Quackity laughed. Bad explained that Skeppy was the same when they had adopted Sapnap. Bad knew what to do, his fatherly instinct kicked in, as for Skeppy, he was still confused raising a baby.

"Are you going teach him to talk in Spanish?"

"Yeah. I think it would be very useful. That way, when I want to tell him something, the other two won't have an idea of what we say. It could be our little secret." Bad smiled at Quackity. He was still surprised that Q was able to take care of a baby and somewhat disappointed that his own son was a dumbass.

"I wonder, did you always have a soft spot for children?" Quackity flinched from the question, almost cutting his finger. Bad thought he said something wrong.

"Oh- did I say something? I'm sorry Quackity!"

"No, no. It's just... well..."

Quackity decided to put down the knife. Bad knew something was up with Q. He immediately gave all his attention to Bad. Quackity began.

"When I was a child, I had other siblings. My friends from Mexico (canon in the story), husbands, and Tommy's father knew this. Everyone else thought I was a single child, but that wasn't always the case. I... I lost them when I was only 7 years old. Everyday I would blame myself and my mother abused me everytime, reminding me that it was my fault I didn't look after them... over time, my friends told me that my mother's abuse was getting unhealthy. One of my friends told me to live with him until I was mentally and physically stable and could live on my own. I was 15 years old when I moved in with him. Eight years of abuse from my mother, but I managed to live. I went to therapy, getting over my fear and the trama of her abuse. I might be an asshole to people, but when it was up to kids, I always had a spot for them. It always reminded me of the way I took care of my siblings when they were still alive. How they didn't have a care of the world and just smiled with joy. I still miss them, even if it was a short time I spent with them..."

Quackity, didn't notice tears straining down his face and Bad hugged the boy, comforting him. Bad knew Q was always the goofball in the group, the guy who made jokes and trolls, but this was a side he had never seen before. Q sobbed into Bad's chest, he wanted to stay strong infront of Bad, but it still hurt him when he mentioned his past.

"Q? Is everything alright?" Bad and Quackity turned around at the door, seeing the three men looking concerned. Quackity nodded and wiped his tears and smiled.

He told them he was okay and it was something he mentioned to them before. The two husbands nodded. Sapnap held Tommy as his hands tried to grab Q. Sapnap passed the baby to Quackity as he began to giggle and jump up and down from Quackity's arms.

Tommy held Quackity's face and tried to pronounce words, but it only came out as gibberish. "Don't worry kiddo, I'm good! Are you hungry tiny man? I'm sure you are!" Quackity's mood quickly changed in front of the child. Everyone was still worried for him but decides its best to talk about it with him later.

Sapnap and Karl smiled and held hands as they admire the man they married play with a child that they would raise for as long as they could.

Skeppy walked over to his husband and gave a quick kiss on Bad's lip, telling him he explained everything to the two boys and that everything was going to be just fine.


Just the thought of smol Tommy is so funny and adorable to me lol-

Published: 7/31/21

Edited: 8/26/21

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