Chapter two

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At Artemis apartment room

At Artemis apartment room

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(The living room)

She was getting ready, for her brother and mother to come over and she has the guest rooms ready. Then she heard knocking on the door. She got up and opened the door to see her family. "Hey mom, hey Bro." Artemis said as she gives them a hug. "Hi, sweetie it is great to see you again." June said to her oldest child. "It is has been along time since we last saw each other." Jack told his big sister. It has been a year since they last saw each other. "Let me show you your rooms." Artemis said as she show them the guests rooms. Juna and Jack got into their pajamas and went to bed. When they were fast a sleep, Artemis opened her bedroom window to see her mate Goliath.
"Hey, my strong warrior." She said to her handsome Gargoyle. "Hello my Moon of the night." He told his mate. When he was in the livingroom, they got the TV ready and started watching a movie, The Beauty and the Beast, without waking up her mom and brother. They sit on the couch and cuddled each other while they watch the movie. After the movie was over, Goliath asked her. "Are you going to tell your family, about me and my clan."
"I don't know, I just want to tell them, when I feel ready to." She told him, she feels that she isn't ready to tell them yet. He nodded his head and gave her a kiss and went out of the window and glide off to the clock tower. He can not wait for her birthday, because he has a special gifted
Outside of the apartment Arcee was parked. Then she saw something flying to a window were jack and his mother is staying at. She video tape it and contacted the Autobots at the bace.
"Arcee to base, do you read." She said into her comm. "We hear you Arcee, what is it." Optimus said. "Something just went in the apartment window were jack and June are staying at with Artemis." She told him. "Don't worry, Jack has a small camera, to make, to make sure nothing bad happens inside." He told her.

At the base
Optimus and Ratchet are looking at the camera inside of the apartment. What shocked the two of them. It was some sort of creature. It was male it was light purple and little blue, long black hair with wings and claws. They heard the creature and Jack's older sister talking.
"Are you going to tell tour family, about me and my clan." They heard the creature asked jacks sister in a deep voice. "I don't know, I just want to tell them, when I feel ready to." They heard them said.
They saw the creature nodded his head and gave what the humans called a kiss, and left throw the window. "Optimus, something left the apartment." They heard Arcee through the comm. "We know Arcee, I want you to follow it. And see we're it goes." Optimus told her. "Ok." They heard Arcee said.
"Optimus what was that." Ratchet asked the leader. "I don't know, but I know one thing, it is not a threat." Optimus told his the old medic.

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