You tried to stand on your right leg, but immediately dropped to the ground. You tried again, but your weight was too much for your single foot as it came unbalanced once again sending you to the ground. With no option left, you knew you had to resort to crawling again.

With your now bare fingers you crawled with all your might, dragging yourself towards the wall. The sound of cannons and boulders rang through your ears. Voices began to drown out as the death toll began to rise.

You continue dragging past bodies, past pools of death and past pieces of torn flesh. You passed by a mangled white horse. You stopped as you recognized it to be the only white horse to ever be seen on the field, the Commander's horse. You quickly crawled your way around it. 

Using your strength you managed to stand up, ignoring the pain that started coming through. Your mind set on it's new goal, finding Erwin. You looked around looking for the blonde and you found him laying just a few feet away from his white stallion. You quickly hopped your way to him and dropped to your knees as you made it in front of him.

His eyes were half-lidded as he stared up at the sky. You blocked his view as you towered over him. His eyes flickered to yours and for a moment you saw a flicker of hope in those blue eyes of his. He opened his mouth as a barely audible voice came out saying your name.

The faint "Y/N" was enough to wash a relief over you and give you a sense of strength of determination to keep going and take Erwin to safety. You gave him a smile as you caressed his face.

"Erwin come on, we're going home love" you said in a raspy voice.

You buckled his equipment off as you checked his gas. Another sense of relief washed over as you see the tank still had some. You quickly put it on. With that, using your strength you managed to get Erwin to stand up. You wrapped his hands around your waist as you took off flying towards the wall, trying to duck any type of boulder or obstacle being thrown towards you.

Erwin began to come back to his senses. He looked up at you, a smile placed on his face. He held you tighter as he placed his head on your chest, closing his eyes. You really were a god-sent angel in his eyes.

Erwin opened his eyes as he looked back, he noticed the boulders stopped flying and the beast had disappeared. He tugged on your shirt grabbing your attention. You looked down at him as he alerted you and you felt as if your heart began to beat at it's normal pace again. Your mind finally at ease once again.

The wall finally came to view. Just a few feet away you felt the gas running out. Advising Erwin, you lowered yourselves down to the ground right when the gas reached its limit. 

As you held Erwin close to you, you hopped the best way you could all the way to the wall. Erwin tried his best to move himself but he felt completely immobilized probably from when his own horse crushed him when they fell due to an impact of a boulder.

As you reached the wall, you grabbed out the grabbling hook gun. You grabbed Erwin and shot the gun to the top of the wall. Trying to hold Erwin with one hand and the gun with the other, you found it hard to hold on to him. The weight overtook control and left you and Erwin stranded almost more than halfway up the wall.

You felt your shoulder scream in pain as it tried to hold onto all of Erwins weight. His grasp slowly began to slip. You tried to hook your arm and legs around him as tight as you could refusing to let him fall. Your mind raced to find a way to fix this. 

Your mind went into a panic attack once again and you blanked out as it began racing with thoughts. Erwin looked down at the ground then up at you. 





"Y/N look at me"

you broke away from your thoughts as you looked down at him.

"It's okay, Let go Y/N"

"What?! No!"

"We both know there's no way out of this. Please let go"


"I love you. Thank you for taking care of our promise" he said smiling up at you

"No, Please. I'll figure something out" you pleaded

You feel as Erwin slowly starts to peel away.

"ERWIN PLEASE STOP JUST LET ME THINK PLEASE" You say as tears start to form in your eyes.


The wire snapped up as you shot up into the sky and landed on the wall. You wasted no time and quickly looked over the wall as Erwin begins to fall. You shoot out the hook at him in hopes of catching him before he plummets and hits the ground.

Right as the hook reached him, his body hit the ground. The body rebounced not a second later as the hook finally grasped on to him, leaving his body dangling in the air, dead.

If only the hook was just one second earlier.

Your words got caught in your mouth as you stared at his body dangling. Your hand holding the gun trembled afraid to reel him back up, afraid to face reality. You closed your eyes as you shook your head. You were so close. You were right there, how could you have not saved him?! YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM.

Levi x Reader - PatienceWhere stories live. Discover now