❏ Chapter 0

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A figure of a boy was seen lying lifelessly in the middle of the road, red liquid trailing the zebra cross's white lines as its source was from the boy himself or to be more specific, it was from the poodle of blood that was beneath the boy, his dark brown hair was tainted by the liquid. The seventeen years old boy could only comforted by the warm blood that kept oozing out from his abdomen.

How could this be happened?

The boy, Agape, was doing his life routine as he did always. But then, the sight of a brown puppy running in front of his eyes made him dumbfounded at first until he saw the said puppy ran towards the road which was filled by transportations such as car, motorcycle, truck, and others.

Agape of course was worried about the puppy so he ran after it. The pup he saw is not merely ran because of amusement, they ran because they were scared. But scared of what? 

Putting his thought aside, he reached out for the brown puppy. A severe loud honk from cars was heard clearly to the boy. His eyes looked at the cars, fear envelope the boy's whole body. Some of the cars may successfully avoided the boy but not the red colored car.

'Ah, this is the end.' And his journey was cut off at that moment as his hand managed to push the puppy out of the car sight. Relief was shown on his eyes as he saw the puppy was now out from the road site.

The car and the boy collided. Agape was thrown away because of the hard impact it made, he felt like his soul almost left his body as his abdomen bleed because of the car's pointy decoration on the front. 

Agape knocked and his consciousness hasn't left his body, he stared at the car for a brief moment only to see the same vehicle kept running. He had no choice but to accept the fate he had written for himself. Tears were filled his eyes, one managed to escape. The result at the end was the boy's body crushed by the car, and now the car's trails was now imprinted by the young boy's blood. His life was taken away in instant.

Poor boy, not only he's on his last year on high school, he had nobody on his back. How could the world be so cruel to him? He was raised in the orphanage since his parents left him early because of an accident and no relative of him want the boy.

Maybe the boy was not destined on this world.

People on the street could only gasped in horror and some of them hold their own phone to record the accident. Agape's news was spread around the world, and the bad thing was his entire life was leaked out on the media. Many pities him and grieving him, they crowded at his funeral, a bunch of flowers was given to the tomb of the boy, a picture of the young boy smiling brightly with his friends decorated his own funeral.

His friends sobbed before the tomb, saying that it was unfair to have to be without their most cherished friend, who should have entered the university of his dreams and gone to the country of his dreams.

As time passed, the crowd dwindled bit by bit, leaving only a small creature lying beside the tomb.


A conscious was given back to the boy, leaving the boy confused and clueless at what was happened. The boy looked around to find nothing, only darkness.

Thoughts filled the head of the boy. Why he's on this endless darkness? Asking the god's existence, wondering where he could go next or was he trapped on this darkness forever?

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