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"It's raining... again," I muttered as I watched the raindrops gracefully slide down my window. Another day of simply doing absolutely nothing, I guess.

No commissions, no quests, nothing.

It really isn't like I hate doing nothing or being alone or anything of that sort. Simply, it just seems like every day, is just the same. The tune of the wind has simply played the exact same melody, every single day.

It really seems like he isn't coming back

Is he?

I slumped down into my chair as I stared at the reflection on the window blankly. Sometimes, I can see him smiling in my reflection. Softly and gently, embracing you just like the sun's warmth. Now, it just feels cold.

It really is easy to forget that even after all you have been through

He chose the Abyss over you

I laid my head on my desk closing my eyes feeling my heart sink even more. I rested my chin on the table as I stared at the images I have taken along the way seeing all the happy smiles. Even Xiao's. Yet, I still don't have his.

Come back to me please...
Am I that worthless?

Venti's POV


"Ah, what a beautiful night," I whispered as I walked towards the tavern, lights flickering warmly noticing a familiar face in the background. My eyes lit up as I smiled warmly waving towards Y/N before noticing her dull plain expression upon her face as she limped down the street.

She walked slowly with her head tilted downwards as I  ran towards her worriedly before she fell into my arms weakly wrapping her arms around me.

They were covered in scratches and bruises
I guess from her travels.

She looked up at me gently and gave me a forced faint smile struggling to stop the tears from flowing down her already reddened face. I gently wrapped my arms around her as I stroked her hair softly before looking up at Paimon in confusion. She looked at me as her dark blue eyes filled with concern.

"Ton- Venti... Y/N, she... uh...just saw her brother," whispered Paimon as my eyes widened in shock. Paimon worriedly looked at Y/N as I nodded.

Oh so that was what happened

"Y/N..." I whispered as I felt the soft hiccups from the muffled sobs that escape her trembling lips. I held her tightly as she slowly raised her head up looking up towards me.

Her eyes, puffy and red, simply... anyone could tell that she was just so worn out from crying. I looked at her gently as she forced a smile upon her face.

"I'm alright, you don't have to worry about me," she whispered as I raised my hand and gently wiping away the slow dripping tears off her already bruised tear stained face.

You really don't have to lie to me
Even I know how it feels like
To miss someone

I slowly got up from my chair as I walked towards my bed falling onto it. If I could just sink into it and drown right now, perhaps I would.

I wonder,
How many times would I have to watch a world crumble beneath my feet
Such is a destined fate of a traveler
I suppose

I curled up into a ball lying on my bed staring at the walls listening to the calm pattering of the rain onto the tiled rooftop.

My life really has come down to nothing
Has it?

I heard a soft click and a creak from the door as I looked up to see a man with blonde hair absolutely drenched panting heavily. I sat up slowly as I noticed the long braid swaying side to the side.

He turned around as my eyes widened in disbelief. That smile, so warm and gentle...

This can't be real

I got up from my bed and ran towards him hugging him tightly as I sighed. I chuckled softly as I looked up right into his blue glowing eyes.

"How amusing" I whispered smiling gently.

I guess
It really is comforting to see him again
Even if it isn't really him

-HanaNyuNya's Message
Had this idea for a while so I wanted to write it
I hope you do enjoy the upcoming stories in this book :D

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