Chapter 1

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"Hello? Hello, is this mom?"

"No.... This is Alex..."

"Um Alex who?"

"Alex Gaskarth, who is this...?"

"This is Claire... Are you really Alex... Gaskarth...?"

"Yes, I am, I'm so sorry for dialing the wrong number, I was trying to reach Hayley Williams, I'll let you go, I'm sorry for the bother"

"Wait! No! Don't go, I absolutely love All Time Low and I want to tell you how much your band's music has impacted my life for the better"

"Wow, really, I'm so glad to hear that we made such a difference in your life, that really does mean a lot, we would never usually do this but, wait, before I tell you, I must ask one thing, do you like Paramore?" He said, I had an idea of where this was going, but I didn't want to get my hopes up, I had heard rumors of paramore coming off of hiatus, but I hadn't heard any certain things.

"Yes, I love Paramore so much! I think all of their music is amazing."

"Ah, is that so, well, I have a proposition for you..."


"The reason I was trying to reach Hayley is because, we[All Time Low]were wondering if Paramore would go on tour with us, and I'm sure you have heard rumors of them coming off of hiatus, I don't want to give anything away, buuuut, it is very, very likely that those rumors are true"

"REALLY??? I had heard them but I was never sure"

"Haha yeah, well, now you can be; and I apologize, I got off track, firstly, promise you will share this number with NO ONE, or not anyone that will go all crazy stalker on me or the band, and secondly, would you like to come and see one of our shows on tour? V. I. P. seats and backstage passes, I don't mean to sound creepy but you really do seem interesting and I would love to meet you, are you interested?" I was right!!!!! I was definitely interested, I just had to get my mom to agree, she probably would, but possibly not.

"YES! I am absolutely interested, but may I please save this number and call you back? I have to ask my mother if it's ok"

"Yes, that is completely understandable, please, do call me back about yes or no."



Ok, so, this is an Idea that I thought would be pretty interesting to write, and it is, what do you think of it? Please COMMENT, VOTE, AND FAN!!!! All three or just one would mean a lot to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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