Taeyong huffs. "It really isn't anything you little shits want it to be. I only invited the guy next door for lunch. He's new." There is silence in the kitchenette (not in the studio, because if anything the noise has gotten louder as Jisoo loves TVXQ and they are jamming to their songs. Taeyong always teases her that her inner Mariah Carrey awakens whenever she listens to them). He is not looking at either of his friends standing beside him. Promptly, Johnny poses a question. "Is he cute?"

And Taeyong laughs. "Fuck yeah. So much that his gasps are adorable." Taeyong really could cry.

"The last time you found someone's gasps adrable, she turned out to be a lesbian, so make sure he ain't straight before moving forward." Yuta's teasing can range anywhere between middle-school level to totally inappropriate.

"You find ten people adorable in an hour Yuta, it doesn't imply you wanna date them."

"Better safe than sorry, Yongie." Yuta shows him a peace sign, in return receiving a middle finger.
By the time the dinner is ready, it is pretty late into the night and Taeyong has a feeling at least half of them will stay back, also considering it is a Saturday. It is when Taeyong, with the help of Yuta, is dragging his kidlike drunk friends to have some food in their system that the doorbell rings.

He was anxious throughout the night that his friends' loudness might bother his neighbours, which had also made him make his companions keep the volume low (including the music) when the clock stroke ten, but Taeyong is also used to the loudness due to most of the apartment being filled with either college goers or working bachelors, a lot of whom are into parties, music, watching movies on speakers and sex. Therefore, he'd also hoped nobody would be too bothered by the loud talking on a weekend. The dread is mildly back now though.

"I'll get it." Yuta announces, since Taeyong is busy fiddling Taehyung's partially zonked body onto the couch. "Thank you." Taeyong still is conscious that it is his responsibility to answer, that he is the one who is answerable to his neighbours, which is why when Yuta clicks open the door, Taeyong looks away from Taehyung to focus on whoever visited.

There is a beautiful ballad playing from his stereo on low volume, sounding almost like a wind blowing in tune from far away. Sky, has always calmed Taeyong, and now at his doorstep, a very enchantingly lovely Baekhyun dressed in his starry night patterned pyjamas, round glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose making his childlike curious eyes more endearing, his soft hair just sitting there all ruffled, and he is sporting a very apologetic smile. Taeyong doesn't want to stare.

He sees Baekhyun's eyes travelling around inside when he sees Yuta, and they land on him and he smiles, and oh he is so adorable. His eyes light up like stars in an unpolluted sky, and he hears Yuta call him. It takes him a few seconds to comprehend it, he is staring at Baekhyun, and then he walks towards the door, Yuta returns back. "Hi." He says. He is trying not to look at him, it's been really hard to since Baekhyun first stepped into his little living space.

"Hey." Baekhyun breathes back, pushing his lower lip against his upper teeth for brief seconds, and then he is smiling again, a little awkward. "I am sorry to be a party pooper." He starts, and Taeyong's eyebrows furrow, waiting for him to continue. "I know it's a Saturday and you deserve to have fun, so I was trying not to budge in but-" He cuts himself off, breathing, his upper and lower teeth aligned against each other in apology. Baekhyun hates inconveniencing anyone, Taeyong has experienced it when he'd brought him breakfast the previous Sunday morning. Currently, he is bouncing on the balls of his feet, and Taeyong wishes he calms down. "Yes, Baekhyun?" He replies, trying to make Baekhyun go on with all he has to say. "Are we disturbing you?" He adds on when Baekhyun does nothing but silently look into his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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