She's a girl

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Set in 3rd year, on their first Hogsmeade trip.

Ron was nervous. And he had no idea why. He was also upset, very upset in fact that Harry couldn't join them on their very first trip to the Hogsmeade village. He felt really bad for the poor guy, he just couldn't seem to catch a break!

But as they were walking towards the village, leaving Harry behind, Ron realized he was also kind of looking forward to spending this time with Hermione.

Ron's POV:

'So, where do we go first?', I asked.

'Well, this is the first time we've come here, let's explore everything!', Hermione said.

The first store that we came across was Honeydukes. I'd heard quite a lot about this one from my brothers.

When we stepped inside, I saw that the store was packed with kids and there was barely any space to move. As a result, Hermione and I were squeezed together. I could feel my ears heat up.

'This seems like a popular place.', she stated the obvious.

'Yeah, Fred and George told me that this is where you can buy all the sweets in the world and according to them this is the best store here.', I said.

Hermione smirked.

'Of course they'll say that! They are your brothers. And what more do you like than Food?, she said.

I just shrugged it off, no argument there.

We spent about an hour there much to Hermione's disapproval. She said she wanted to explore more places but honestly what more could you want? Honeydukes had every kind of sweet imaginable. This was worth the whole village for me.

We combined parts of our money to get some sweets for Harry as well, feeling extremely bad and guilty that we were enjoying here while he was stuck at Hogwarts.

Everytime Hermione saw something interesting, she would say, 'Oh no, Harry would've loved this.'

I would probably have ended up spending all my money on the sweets but Hermione told me to save some for other stores as well but honestly, for Merlin knows what?
This place was pure gold.

After finally leaving the shop, the next place we went to was Scrivenshaft's. It was basically a boring stationary shop. And needless to say, Hermione went full-on Hermione mode.

She seemed awestruck by the different varities of quills and parchment available and started muttering about how she wanted to buy all of these but she didn't have enough money. She did buy a few things though mind, she wasn't going to leave empty-handed from here.

We ended up spending about half an hour there, completely against my will. I had to practically drag Hermione out of the store because I had no doubt that she would've spent all day there and spent all her money as well.

Huh, I reckon this is how I acted in Honeydukes.

'You took your sweet time in Honeydukes didn't you? Then why couldn't I have spent a few more minutes in Scrivenshaft's?', she seemed to be muttering.

The both of us spent another two hours visiting various other shops. Although we didn't buy anything. Partly because there wasn't anything interesting enough and partly because we were running low on money.

By now, we were both pretty exhausted. So, we decided to get something to drink.

I told her about this place called "The Three Broomsticks" that Percy had told me about and the amazing Butterbeers that they sold.

She looked skeptical at first. 'Butter- Beers? We aren't of age yet Ronald.'

'It's non-alcoholic Hermione, calm down.'

She still didn't look convinced so I said, 'You don't believe me? Just ask the waitress when we get there.'

'Fine', she huffed.

The place was just like what I imagined a pub would like like except it was filled with under-age kids.

We decided on a table for two, which again reminded me of Harry's absence. But, I thought, 'I did have a really good time with Hermione, it wasn't awkward as I thought it would be without Harry around.'

As we took out seats, Hermione started to take off her jacket. While doing so, she pulled on her right side a little too much so that her shirt slipped right off her shoulder. I caught a glimpse of a thin pink strap on her shoulder.

I was confused for a second and was about to ask what it was when I saw her blush as red as my hair and swiftly adjust her shirt again.

That's when I realized what it was. And the realization made me want to melt into a puddle right then and there.

It was a bra-strap. A bra strap. Hermione was wearing a Bra. I looked down a few inches and noticed something that probably made my face go Weasley red. She had breasts. Bloody Hell, Hermione had Breasts.

And contrary to popular belief, this was the moment when Ronald Weasley realized that Hermione Granger was, in fact, a girl.

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