Morgan breathes out a choked laugh. "Thank god."

"Get back on the bus, we're headin' back now."


Morgan bursts through the hospital doors, his chest heaving after running a couple blocks from the studio. He rushes some words out to the girl behind the front desk but none of them make sense. She nervously looks over at the hospital security.

"Morgan!" Sam's voice echos through out the room. "C'mon-"

"Only family can go-"

"He's her husband. I'm her brother." She sighs and waves them through.

Morgan races down the hallway, actually fucking books in his boots. He comes to a boot scuffing halt in front of her door and takes a deep breath, trying to be calm for his wife incase she's still worked up.

He quietly opens the door then steps inside. His worried blue eyes land on his sleeping wife curled up in the uncomfortable hospital bed. Morgan climbs under the thin sheets behind her and rests his hand on her hip, his other arm tucked under her head.

Haley visibly relaxes against him, pulling his arm tighter around her, needing this intimacy. Morgan buries his face in the back of her neck, pressing the occasional kiss to her skin.

Haley stirs awake a few hours later with the sun casting it's shine across her exhausted face. She squints- more like glares at the wide open window then pokes her husband in the side. He grunts quietly but remains asleep so she jabs him again but this time it's more agressive.

"What?" He practically whines in response, crossing his ankles one over the other after stretching his legs out.

"Window," She croaks out, her throat sore from the trauma she had encountered the day before. "Bright. Curtains."


"Can you close the curtains please?"

Morgan grunts again as he stands, his eyes blearily open while he fiddles with the cords, still half asleep. Haley yawns, cautiously rolling on her other side before her husband returns to the cramped bed.

"How're you feelin'?"


Morgan sighs, wrapping his arm around her shoulders, holding her close. When he starts rubbing her back, she hums contently. "How are the boys?"

"I don't know." She mumbles back. "The nurse said we could see them soon."

"You decide on any names?"


He nods, resting his chin on the top of his wife's head. There's a soft knock on the door and Haley suppresses a groan. "Come in." He answers for her, rubbing her back.

"Good Morning. If y'all're ready, I can take y'all to see your boys." The nurse says in a soft yet cheery tone. "No rush or anything, okay?"

Haley glances around and stays quiet, not really sure if she wants to see her children after what she did to them; premature birth.

Tennessee Tipsy - Morgan WallenWhere stories live. Discover now