It Could've Been Us

Start from the beginning

"You know," he said, breaking the silence

"Hmmm?" I replied as I took a glance at him

"I used to have a secret crush on you from hight school to college" he said looking straight out of the window

"Huh?" I answered, feeling a little confused and shocked at the same time,

But me, I still like you the same

"That's right, I liked you" he said again but this time he looked at me,

I liked you... he said...

"I didn't really know that I actually liked you. Only then I realized when were in our 2nd year in high school" he spoke again,

"But I never said or did a thing because our friendship meant a lot to me more" he said then paused, he looked outside again

"Well, I guess I did something way back in high school, in our 4th year" he said, "yes 4th year, I gave you something for valentines" he continued and he faced me once again,

"Wait hold on," I said and faced him also, "you were the one who sent me the letter with a one red rose and my favorite drink with it?" I asked, still shocked realizing that it was actually him all along

"Mhmm, yes it was me" he answered, he sounded proud, I guess? not sure

"I still have it with me" I suddenly spoke, "just the letter tho" I continued,

"No way?!" He answered sounded so surprised, "you still have it? like, like it's still with you? you kept it for real?" he asked,

"Hell yeah" that was I can say, hell yeah


I didn't know why I kept it with me all these years, knowing that I don't even know who gave it to me but there's just a part of me that tells me that I should keep it

But I guess now I know why a part me keeps telling to keep it until now, and I guess I should be glad???


"But when we reached college, that's when I started thinking that I shouldn't be saying or do anything because like I said our friendship meant a lot to me and I wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world. I liked you and wanted to be someone more just a friend to you but then I guess I was just too scared to lose everything what we have if you didn't felt the same way as I did" he started talking again,

"Then how or when did you stop liking me?" I asked, I can't help but to ask this question, I wanna know

"Well, I don't really know exactly" he said, "one day I just woke up and realized that I don't like you anymore" he continued,


Ouch that hurted,

Why can't I be like you too? When will I wake up one day realizing that I don't like you anymore? Why can't I unlike you?


"Why are you saying this now tho" I asked again, you could've kept it Chi, you could've

"Just because" he answered,

"I just wanted to tell you what I've always wanted to tell you, about how I felt towards you. I don't wanna die not telling you this" he said and chuckled, "and I don't think I'll be at peace if I don't get to tell you about it and a part of me says that I would probably regret not telling you this" he continued, "I don't even know why hahaha" he chuckled lowly,

"Mhmm" that was I could respond to him,

"But I feel more better now that I got to tell you this" he said, he looked and sounded relieved,

Then I guess, it's okay you told me this, you feel better now and no more... regrets...,

now... I'm the one who's... regretting... that it could've been us... it could've been us who'd be standing in front of the altar, making vows that we'd stay together forever, for better and for worse, till death do us part...

But everything's too late... you're now getting married with the person you now... love...

If only one of us were brave enough to confess,

Brave enough to take the risk,

Brave enough to take actions,

I could've done it, I should've confessed but then I guess I was too coward to confess because like you said our friendship meant a lot to you just as I am and I wouldn't trade it for anything else in this world. I would definitely protect our friendship at all costs even if it means to keep everything to myself and keep it hidden within me forever, then I'd gladly do so

But then again, we both actually felt the same way in the past, we liked each other but none of the both of us just dared to confess...


Then maybe this life time weren't really for us, maybe in our next life, maybe... just maybe


Now we're at church standing by the altar, when the doors opened and it showed his bride coming in slowly, accompanied by her parents

Then I took a glance at him. He looked so happy, he was even close to tearing up but he held it in. He looked at her with sparkling eyes and full of love and admiration


How I wish it was me, so that he'd look at me the way he looks at her


They're now in front of the altar making their vows to each other as they put on each other's wedding rings


After that, "You may now kiss the bride" I heard the priest say. I saw them kissed. You can see it on their faces on how happy they both looked and the way they looked at each other, it was full of love.


Take care of him for me,

I love you, Chi... always... I'd still love you even in my next life time, I'll always will. I'll find you and we'd be together by then once again... that's a promise..., and by then for sure I'd be brave enough to tell you how much I love you... until then... i hope you'd like me once again... then I'll fight for us... this time... and that's a promise too


"Then again, congratulations to my forever, love you always."


How did you like this one?

I know this is a sad one, that they didn't end up together here but I just felt like making one haha

I also got this idea from somewhere and thought I'd make one myself, so yeah

And lastly the 'to my forever' I totally got that from Tul's hehe

Byeee see ya in the next update! Love lots!

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