"It's not that bad," Hestia shrugged, the chilly weather never affected her as much as Zapateros, "I luckily came prepared," She quickly glanced at a warm coat over her shoulders, "and I saw snow for the first time in my life! It was so beautiful!" A few tiny snowflakes fell from the sky one day, and they died out soon after. But it was enough for Hestia to turn into an enthusiastic little kid for a moment.

"I can imagine! And you also have your long hair, you can wrap it around like a scarf!" Leticia giggled like a child, still having a soul of a cheerful juvenile.

"I am actuakky thinking about a new haircut. A bit radical if I'm being honest," Hestia admitted shyly while fiddling her strands between her fingers. She thought about cutting her hair longer than she could remember. But people advised her not to because it wouldn't suit her.

"What, why? I just hope you are not planning to go bald, that would be a shame," Leticia frowned, and Hestia couldn't help but giggle. Not once did she thought about going bald. She might have had crazy ideas, but not this crazy.

"Well, my ex liked me with long hair so I'm gonna cut it short," Hestia announced with a proud smile, earning a clap from Nina, "and I also might change the color but I'm not sure about it yet."

"I don't know, Estia. Nina once had short hair and she looked like a forty years old wine mom. They kept asking us if we were siblings. And one time, she was in a supermarket and some kid next to her was making a horrendous mess. So, the staff told Nina to take responsibility for her son." Hestia heard this and a dozen other stories over a million times, but it never failed to make her laugh out loud. Leticia was great at storytelling. Together with her thick accent, it always made a great comedy show.

"Thanks for reminding me, mom."

"Thank you for the warning but I think it will be just fine." Remember what they say: a new era requires new hair.

"Whatever you say, Estia. After all, you would look beautiful even with no hair. Look, I have to go now because I have this yoga appointment in twenty minutes. I'm glad to see you doing well, te quiero!" She blew Hestia a kiss that once again warmed her heart.

"Te quiero también!" She chirped before Leticia stood up and left the young girls alone.

"Finally," Nina breathed out, running her hand through her hair, "I swear when she starts talking she never knows how to stop. Not to mention with what joy it brings her to keep embarrassing me over and over again."

"At least she knows you exist," Hestia noted nonchalantly, even though this simple remark hurt like hell.

"What about your mother?" Nina carefully asked, knowing she was on thin ice as Hestia strongly disliked topics that discuss either of her parents, "have you spoken to her recently?"

"She keeps calling Alistair to ask how I am doing."

"Why doesn't she call you directly?" The idea of talking with her mother was freaking Hestia out, none of them was ready for the chat yetl, not after the meltdown in the hospital.

"I probably wouldn't pick up. Anyways, do you have some new tea for me? Have they announced Carpenter as my replacement yet? A little birdie told me it is bound to happen," Hestia changed the topic of the discussion as soon as there was an opportunity to do so. If it wasn't for the overdose, she would already be preparing for the groundbreaking role, the one that would pull her out of the shadow of Loren Schmidt. More like Hestia believed it. Maybe she was giving it more credit than is deserved.

"Tia..." Nina sighed, not wanting Hestia to bother with stuff when she needed to focus only and solemnly on herself. She should be happy that she was far away from the chaos called Hollywood. Yet it kept bugging her, desperate to know all the latest rumors.

Silver Lining [Mick Schumacher]Where stories live. Discover now