Don't Get Angry (23)

Start from the beginning


"Mikku beta it's dark outside and u shouldn't leave at this time so u, Tunisha, Sanskruti should stay here today" Mom ordered

I nodded in approval and did as per her order.

"What's the menu today," Tunisha asked who was actually busy right now chewing the pakodas made by bhabhi

"Yeah what's the menu" I too asked

I could see Sumedh look at us in disbelief

"U are already busy eating and now u are asking about the dinner moreover it's just 6," He said

"U know what Mr," Tunisha said

"What," He asked

"We both are the one's who live to eat and u are the one who eats to live" We grinned

He laughed hearing us

"Mallika beta come here" Mom called

"Coming Mom''

I went in and helped Mom and Monika bhabhi in their cooking, We enjoyed that too.

"Chalo, Chalo Chalo khana lag Gaya hai" Sanskruti screamed and I could see Dau and Tuni run to the seat

"What the menu," Dau asked rubbing his hands

"Dal Fry, Jeera Rice, Bhendi Masala, Roti aur Rasgulla," Di said setting the plates.

We were serving others when Sumedh started " No one cares for me see my plate is empty"

"Mallika beta serves this idiot something," Maiya said

"Gai has pani mai," He said under his breath making me laugh

" Bahut has aa rah hai na " He smirked

I served him and was about to take my hand back but he held it pulling it under the table. I looked at him amazed. I was pleading with him to leave my hand but he was not ready to listen, during all this we heard a sound "Erhm... Erhm" I looked up and saw Monika di looking at u I turned my gaze and saw everyone staring at us with a teasy glare

"If u guys are done then let's start," Dau said making me blush.

I sat beside him and we had our dinner and went to sleep. This time in Sumedh's room. I went in changed my clothes in the one which Bhabhi gave me.

I went and sat beside Sumedh who was scrolling his phone.

"Sumedh I think u should think twice before marrying me, I am sure u will get someone more pure and good than me and u deserve someone better than me," I said in a shaky voice.

He looked at me with red eyes. I could notice that he was hell angry with me right now. But I wasn't wrong.

"Mallika who the hell told u" He yelled.

"I myself feel it"

"Don't u dare to make me follow ur decision" He yelled again.

"I am not I just kept forth my wish, the decision is urs"

"Don't u dare to say that again, did u get it" He again yelled.

I got up from the bed without saying a word and went to the balcony. I was staring at my "Mini Sugar"

Oh! I talk about them but didn't make u meet them so here Meet them



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"Mini Sugar" is always with me, I talk to him, I play with him, And he listens to me patiently

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"Mini Sugar" is always with me, I talk to him, I play with him, And he listens to me patiently.

"Only u listen to me" I said looking at Sugar and tears made their way down. I felt a hand on my shoulder which was of none other than Sumedh.

"I didn't mean like that Mikku," He said

I didn't reply to him a just kept looking at Sugar. He came and in front of me on his knees. He held my hand and made me look into his eyes.

"Why did u say like this and who are u to decide my Mikku's capabilities," He asked calmly.

"Sumedh," I said looking at him in disbelief. He winked at me and sat beside me on the couch.

"He is so cute" He exclaimed looking at Sugar. "But not cute than you" He added too.

I giggled listening to him and kept my head on his chest while he encircled his arm around me. He kissed my hair and rubbed my shoulder.

"Sumedh "


"Didn't u get angry after listening to what happened"

"Angry! On whom" He asked

"Obviously me"

"And why should I be"

"I asked the question first" I argued

"No didn't get angry, just leave that matter and enjoy the moment" He ordered.

I nodded and turned my gaze towards the twinkling stars. They are so close to their love, their Moon.

"Mikku when is ur college tomorrow," He asked after sometime

"It's at 9, why"

"Oh it's 1 already let's sleep Mikku" He ordered and we went to sleep.

We slept on the bed and he stretched his hand I crawled into him and he hugged me pecking on my temple. He caressed my hair and soon sleep engulfed us.


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~Till then bye 👋

--Author ✍️

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