Tʜᴇ Bᴇʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇ

Start from the beginning

His smirk grew.  "Who knows, I think it would look good on you," he told me with his cliche wink that everyone fainted at.

I felt my blood boil from anger.  Was he trying to seriously flirt with me?!  "Possibly, but I really don't wanna find out," I answered, trying to turn around and leave, when I felt a tug on my arm.

"Someone who didn't swoon when I spoke to them?  That's a first," he remarked, coming too close for comfort.  "Don't you like me?"

I was getting angrier and angrier as I backed up.  "I never said that, I just don't hold you as highly as everyone else in town."

He followed me back, and I cursed slightly as my back hit the wall, and he put his hands by my head, leaning into me.  "And why's that?"

I shrugged, trying to not act a bit flustered.  "Because I don't think that you or your family is something to praise as much as people do," I told him.

"I can't say I've ever met someone who thought that," he admitted to me, leaning closer.

"Like we said, I'm rare.  Now please get away from me."

To my surprise, he actually did back away.  "I'll be seeing you again," he assured me as he walked towards the front door.

"Don't get your hopes up."  I certainly didn't want to see him again, that would be... chaos.


Guess what happened the next day?  Just my luck.  When I showed up at the house, Prince Jaxx was there again, and this time bearing bad news.  At least for me.

"Sora, you're gonna be working for the royal family from now on," Mr. Martin told me.

I was shocked, looking at Prince Jaxx wide-eyed as he gave me a smirk.  "Why?!  Did I do something wrong?"

Now it was Mr. Martin's turn to look at me in shock.  "Boy, you're working for the royal family, and you act like it's a punishment?"

"Yeah, this is a promotion.  Huge," Prince Jaxx told me, and I shot him a scowl.

"Right, sorry," I muttered, not in the mood to argue. 

Jaxx grinned.  "Great, you start tomorrow, and you have quarters in the castle now," he explained, the teasing tone not leaving.  "I'll take you now."

I was open-mouthed, and shut it once I noticed.  "A-alright," I said, a little weak-voiced.  I couldn't believe he really did this... He lost me my job! Granted, he got me a new, higher-paying one... but still!

"Goodbye Sora, you were an amazing worker, you deserve this," Mr. Martin told me, a genuine smile on his face.

I gave a queasy one back.  "Thanks," I mumbled.

"Let's go," Jaxx ordered, and I obliged, walking out with him.

When we got in the car, I gave him a scowl.  "Why'd you do this?" I asked, as calmly as I could manage.

He shrugged, that dumb smirk on his face.  "I told you I'd see you again."

I rolled my eyes, scoffing.  "Fine.  Just get in," I told him, gesturing for him to get in, and opening the door for him.  It wasn't out of goodness, it was out of wanting the conversation to be over.

As we drove down the street, the usual crowd of people were there.  The crowd of people... now looking at me!  I tried my best to hide my face, but my cyan hair and scarf gave me away. 

The prince grinned at me.  "Y'know, some publicity isn't that bad," he told me, picking up my chin with his finger.

"St-stop that," I ordered, pushing away.  "People are gonna get the wrong idea..."

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