Chapter Twenty Seven - Christmas

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Mum hugs her graciously, "Oh Larraine you didn't have to wait up for us! And yes Merry Christmas to you too." 

Larraine hugs my father and me and wishes us a Merry Christmas too. She smiles at me, "You must be tired Ara. Your room is two doors down the hallway on the right.” She turns to my mum. “I hope you don't mind Karen, she'll be sharing with Keaton. It's just that it's a four bedroom place so I have the three oldest boys sharing, Brooke and I sharing and then you both have a room together leaving Keaton and Ara. I would've let Brooke share with Ara but I thought that would be quite awkward on Keaton if he had to share with his mother." 

Mum laughs and waves her away, "It's completely fine Larraine. Ara's had worse, we went on a camping trip once and Ara had to share a tent with three of her brother's friends. Keaton is nothing."

I laugh even though the butterflies in my stomach slightly flutter, "Yeah sharing with Keaton should be fine."

Mum frowns, "Although if I had known we were driving you out of your room, I would never have agreed to stay here! The last thing we wanted to do was intrude, it's not too late to rent a motel near at the lodge over the hill."

Larraine rolls her eyes, "Oh nonsense Karen. We wanted to have you here. It's much easier having everyone together, plus with two extra adults in here, it will be much easier keeping the boys in check."

Dad laughs, "I get down with the kids so it's okay." 

"Oh god. Please stop, Dad." I groan. "Thank you for having us Larraine. With being away from family this time of year, it's nice to have someone to share Christmas with."

"Anytime dear." She replies warmly. “Anyway as I said, your bedroom is down the hall, second on your right. I expect you're very tired. Each bedroom has a connected bathroom so you'll have to fight Keaton for time in there." 

I chuckle, "I can imagine that. I think I'll be going to bed now, you're right, I am really beat. Good night." 

They each give me a quick kiss on the cheek and leave me to find my way to the room. It's not completely dark in the room because Keaton has left a small lamp light on. I assume so I could find my way around easily. It's not a big bedroom, with just enough space for a bunk bed and a small desk and chair. The floor space is limited and when my suitcase is brought in, I guess we'll only have about 2 square meters of clear space. I don't bother changing or anything, I just take off my beanie, scarf and gloves and climb into the bottom bunk wearing only my sweatpants and jumper. I'm so tired that the thought of Keaton sleeping on the bed on top of me doesn't even faze me. I'll have time to worry over that in the morning. Right now, sleep is much more important. 


In the morning, I'm woken up by a strong smell of hot chocolate near my nose. I open my eyes slowly to see Keaton grinning at me, a mug in hand, waving it in front of my nose. I get a small fright which makes him chuckle. He pulls back slightly, "Merry Christmas sleepyhead. We were going to let you wake up on your own but it is now 11 o'clock and breakfast is being served." 

I stretch out and let a smile find its way to my face, "Merry Christmas Keaton." 

I sit up and take the mug from him. He gestures to the corner of the room, "I took the liberty of bringing your suitcase in. So do whatever you have to do and come out into the living room for breakfast." 

I nod, "Thanks." It's then that I notice what he's wearing. I tug slightly on his sweater sleeve that's sporting a very nice array of little reindeer. "I like this. It's very … Christmas-y." 

He blushes, "Yeah my mum makes me wear it every year. When I grow out of it, she buys me a new one. Same with Drew and Wes, it's kind of like a Christmas tradition."

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