There has to be anger for there to be happiness

Start from the beginning

"I'll work hard on my courses first."

You've had a rough day, Basil. It's not your fault we got mad at each other.

I've just been lazy, doing nothing productive, waiting for good things to happen to me.

"Errhh, first, let me fix the food," Sunny said.

He went over to the kitchen counter and inspected the soup. He'd probably undercooked it by a couple of minutes or so; he was so careless with these things. No matter what, he had to learn to get it right the next time.

"Dinner's on me tonight," Sunny said.

"I'll help."

"It's okay. Remember the chicken I made the other day?"


"You liked it, right?"

Basil smiled when he gazed at Sunny again, a watery light shining in his eyes.

"Yeah, I liked your cooking, Sunny!"

Hearing those words, Sunny felt like his heart could snap into two.

Even if Basil was smiling, he never wanted to be the cause of any more sad tears in Basil's eyes. He had to learn to control his temper before it got the better of him again.

You're right that I'll be much more employable once I get my high school degree.

I'll even go to college, if I can make it.

...It's okay to do the things my mom wanted me to do, as long as I know I'm doing everything for Basil.

"I'm really sorry about that soup," Sunny said. "I'm stupid sometimes..."

"N—No, I was too harsh to you..."

"With food, I wouldn't ever forgive myself if my bad cooking ended up poisoning you."

Basil stood up from the bed, went over to Sunny, and gently hugged him.

They stayed in that close, warm embrace for a quiet minute.

"You're trying your best," Basil said softly. "I wasn't good at it either when I started cooking."

"Really? You're such a good cook..."

Basil gave a delicate smile. "It's all just practice and good teaching."

Sunny smiled back. "I have a good teacher, too."

I'll set three goals.

First, I'll pass all my courses, no matter what.

Second, I'll improve my cooking until you're proud of every meal I make for you!

Basil's eyes were bright. "I believe in you, Sunny."

Third, I want to learn to control my temper.

At dinner, Sunny served a meal of meat loaf, bell peppers, and mashed potatoes that he felt was just passable, but Basil liked it a lot. Sunny told himself he had to keep improving—his dish could've been made better by adding some carrots.

Later that night, he worked hard on his essay and went to sleep early.


Welcome to Feelings Space.

You've known this place for as long as you can remember, but this is actually just your third time here.

We've detected a surge in feelings of resolve and determination. Perhaps you're finally ready to confront your new Headspace.

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