Lindsay and Sam overhear the convo as well and decide to join in. "Yea sorry boys, but Sam and I are gonna whip all your asses" Lindsay says putting her arm around Sam's shoulder. Sam grins as well putting her arm around her as well.

Hawk on the other hand, scoffs. "Yea right. Look Canada, just because your tough, doesn't mean you'll stand a chance against Diaz and I" Hawk says smirking and getting up in Lindsays face.

Lindsay makes an angry face and unwraps her arm from Sam, getting in the Mohawked boy's face as well.

"I think you're forgetting who you're talking to here? How many championships have you won? Oh that's right! You got disqualified." She says smirking at him.

His smirk was wiped off his face and immediately turned into anger. "Why you little-" Hawk didn't get to finish his sentence as he was cut off by Sensei Lawrence.

"Alright alright that's enough you two. Everyone get with your partners" Sensei Lawrence says.

Hawk gives her one last nasty look before returning next to Miguel. Miguel just smirks to himself at how riled up his best friend gets with the Canadian girl. If he didn't know better, he'd say that he liked her. But he wouldn't share his opinion with him. At least not yet.

"Alright, everyone get ready. Sensei LaRusso will give out your first Check point cards. Each group has a different task to complete that should all take up around the same amount of time." Sensei Lawrence explains as Sensei LaRusso hands out the cards.

After giving them out. LaRusso returns back next to Johnny and yells "Go!" Everyone then runs into the forest.

What they didn't know was that Cobra Kai was hiding in the bushes listening to the entire thing. It was the perfect time to strike.


It had been about an hour and the girls had just finished there 6th checkpoint. They were going through it speedy fast. They had a couple run ins with other teams like Demetri and Chris, Bert and Nate, and none other than Hawk and Miguel.

To say they were pleased with how far ahead they were than the others would be an understatement. Especially Hawk and Miguel. Lindsay loved how she was proving Hawk wrong. She never knew why he always hated her in the first place, but over time she just learned to get used it and fought back. With that she always found herself constantly thinking about the red hair boy, she didn't know why he had this effect on her, but he just did, and she didn't like that very much.

This behaviour didn't go unnoticed by her best friend and cousin, Sam. So when they were walking and she noticed her cousin deep in thought, she decided now would be a good time to speak up about the topic of her and hawk.

"So what's going on with you and Hawk?" Sam asks her.

Lindsay looked at her stunned. "I don't know what you mean" she said avoiding eye contact with her cousin.

"Oh come on! It's so obvious he likes you!!" She squeals at her. Lindsay on the other hand looked taken aback.

"What? No he doesn't. That guy hates my guts" she says with a bit of a frown.

The small frown didn't go unnoticed by Sam. Then she gasped when she pieced it together. "Oh my god! You like Hawk don't you!?" She exclaims loudly.

Lindsay immediately shushed her and put a hand over her mouth. "Oh my god do you want everyone to hear you?!!" Lindsay says scolding her.

Sam takes her hand off her mouth. "Sorry, I guess that was a bit loud. But you're not denying it!! You do!" She says.

" Well I'm not confirming it either. Besides, even if I did, we would never work. Are you forgetting he hates me?" Lindsay says.

Jacob Bertrand ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now