1. Friends are Forever?

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This chapter is dedicated to my first ever best friend, Martin. Fly high brother. May you rest in peace.

"Can anyone solve this algebra problem on the board?" Mrs. Nagamoto asks as she turns away from the chalkboard and towards us.

I stare at the board. 4X+25= 41, solve for 'x'?


I raise my hand.

"Anyone else?"

I take a look around.

No one makes an effort to raise their hand.

"Come on up Tamura."

I get up and walk towards the board.

"Nerd," someone mutters as I walk from the back of the class to the front.

Just ignore them. It is not your fault they cannot complete a simple algebra equation.

I get to the board and quickly solve the problem.

"Well done Tamura. As diligent as always. You may sit down," Mrs. Nagamoto comments, causing a small smile to grow on my face as I hurry back to my seat. I move some of my black hair out of my eyes and face Mrs. Nagamoto.

"Alright class, it is now time for lunch. You are dismissed," Mrs. Nagamoto says.

I gulp.

Lunch time. The worst time of the day.

I wait until everyone walks out of the room, then I retrieve my lunch from my backpack and slowly walk towards the door.

When the weather is nice out, the teachers let all the students eat lunch outside while they 'supervise' us from the window of their lunch room.

Laughter and voices fill my ears as I open the door.

After waiting a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the sun, I take a look around.

Most of the benches have been taken.

I sigh as I begin my lonely search for a spot to sit.

As I walk through the sea of benches, I can feel eyes watch as I walk by. I find a bench with two empty spots, and begin to walk over.

"Don't even think about it!" A boy sitting there spits out.

"My apologies," I whisper as I continue my search.

As I near the last of the benches, I find an empty one farthest from the school.

"This will do," I mutter to myself as I begin to make my way over. As I'm about to sit down, someone sneaks beside me and pushes me off the bench, knocking me to the ground.

"Get lost weirdo!" The girl who pushed me off yells as her friends join her at the once empty table.

I bite my lip to keep it from quivering. I close my eyes for a brief second and take a deep breath.

Do not cry. It is unlady-like and childish to cry.

I pick myself up, dust off, and pick up my lunch and walk away from the benches towards the courtyard. I step onto the ground and make my way over to a big shady tree. I take a quick look around, then sit down.

If I eat my lunch quickly, maybe I'll make it back inside before they see me. But eating quickly is rude and unlady-like.

I sigh.

I'll just hope they do not find me today.

I carefully unpack my lunch, pull out my chopsticks, and begin to eat.

A Delicate Art (A My Hero Academia Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now