Sʜᴜᴛ Uᴘ ᴀɴᴅ Kɪss Mᴇ

Start from the beginning

"I'm glad! Always good to hear of a fan. Although the follower count is going up pretty fast, we don't meet too many fans in real life, so it's nice to hear," I confessed.

It looked like he was about to say something in return when a voice came over the speakers.

"Hello passengers," the voice over the speakers said, "we're about to land. Please stay seated until the plane comes to a stop. Thanks!"

I felt the plane touch down, and through the darkness, I could barely see the pavement racing below us. The air blowing on the wing flaps whistled loudly, making it loud before we began slowing down.

Soon we all herded off the plane, and the black-haired guy gave me one last, "Well, I can say that you'll always have a fan in my brother," before walking off to greet a white-haired kid, who he hugged tightly. I smiled. It was nice to know that he had someone like that, who he could care about.

To my annoyance, I felt jealousy creeping into me. I shouldn't feel jealous, I know I should just be happy for this guy, but everyone in The Squad and everyone I generally saw always had someone special, whether that be a significant other, sibling, or someone more important than anyone. But I just had people who had those people, and was like that to no one. I was happy for my friends, of course I was. It was just depressing knowing I was alone, and it sure made me feel a little unlovable, though I knew that I wasn't.



"Have a good day," I told the customer that got out of my car.

She flashed a smile. "You too, thank you!" she said, shutting the door.

Finally, I could drop the happy demeanor. I rested my head against the steering wheel, shutting my eyes. I was stuck driving for Uber, not able to find another job. It was honestly so dumb, and I kind of hated it. I didn't really like conversing with people, despite me seeming so personable when you hop into my car.

My phone dinged, signaling the next person that needed to be picked up. I glanced at it. Another airport trip, which I got about a million of a day. Picking my head up, I started off, readjusting my white and blue scarf a little.

As I got there, a tired and maybe a touch irritable red-haired guy, maybe about my age, got in after shoving his bag in the trunk.

So as he climbed in, I greeted him with the usual, "Hi there, how's your day?"

He grunted in response. "Just drive, will you?"

I'd had customers like this before, and just sighed. "Sure thing, sorry."

I didn't try to start another conversation for a while, and just drove along. I watched him in the mirror, mainly just for an expression of remorse. I usually got an apology after someone snapped at me, but he showed nothing of the sort. Instead, he looked out the window, and it was like everything he saw disgraced his eyes. I couldn't blame him, because many people driving with me are often tired and angry, especially when they come off flights. They're just typically not this upset. I could tell his frustration was being suppressed too, which confirmed the decision in my head to keep my mouth shut.

"Why are you driving so fast?" he criticized me after a while of silence, making me grit my teeth.

"It's just how I drive, I'm sorry. I can slow down if it makes you feel safer," I said, trying to take a deep breath and suppress my anger.

I heard him scoff. "Maybe watch your tone," he snapped.

I just took another breath. I didn't want to yell at a client, that'd give me quite the bad reputation. So I kept my mouth shut, no matter how hard it was to do so. He just huffed a sigh and stopped talking, though I could swear I recognized his voice from somewhere.

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