Good evening my love, how are you?

Good evening, good and you?

I'm fine, fine. How was your meeting?

Pretty boring and you're studying?

We're having a pretty good time, actually. We make fun of our teachers while we're studying. We quiz each other on articles of the Civil Code, it's fun.

I see, I'm glad to hear it. I'm glad that you manage to find some fun in your revision. I've seen you cramming for days. Are you still at Marion's?

Yes, I'm still at her place with Anthoine, Joséphine and Romane too.

(She turned the phone so that the others could see me, and I could see them)

OTHERS: Hi Lando, congratulations on your qualification!

How do they know?

We had it on the TV while we were studying. You're part of our little group now. We're all proud of you. But what happened with Daniel? P16 !?!

He didn't have enough confidence in the car to re-accelerate quickly at turn 15 which is a long right-hand turn. I hope it will be better for him tomorrow.

I hope so too. You know I love you Lan, but I have to get back to my revisions. I'm sorry I have to leave you like this.

(I could see from her look that she was sincere. She was happy to be with her friends again, even if it was for exams...)

Don't worry, I understand. I love you, good luck!

I love you, don't hesitate to call or text me if you need anything.

She blew me a kiss before hanging up. I was alone again in my hotel room. A few tears rolled down my cheeks. Then I heard a knock on the door. I went to open it and found Carlos on the landing. "Tris sent me a message saying that you might need some company because she couldn't talk to you for too long because she was studying. So, she sent me here. And it looks like she was right. ". I picked up my phone to send a 'Thank you' to my sweetheart. She replied with a wink emoji. I smiled before turning back to Carlos who was sitting across from me.

So how are you feeling?

It's hard not having her around. I feel a bit lonely... How do you cope with Isa not being with you all the time?

Isa and I are different... We've been together for almost three years now. At the beginning it was difficult too, but we got used to it and now our rhythm suits us both. If she wants to come to a race, I ask for a pass for her, but she chooses which races she wants to attend. You have to give her freedom, or she will feel stifled...

You think I'm stifling her and that's why she's gone to study with her friends?

That's not what I said! Now you're totally twisting what I just said. I don't think you're stifling her; I just think she needed the study sessions with her friends to take the pressure off the exams that are about to start. Final exams are hard: she only has one chance on some subjects. She wants to be safe and not have to go to the exams, especially so that she can be with you until September.

Are you sure about this?

I've been there, Lan, I'm sure.

But she's been pulling away from me, texting me less during the day, being distant...

Lando! She needs time and space to study. You live with her, you must have seen that she spends all day on it, right?

Yes, she gets up, eats a piece of fruit, showers, dresses comfortably, makes herself a cup of tea and starts revising straight away. At lunchtime, she eats in front of her computer if I'm not there. And in the evening, she doesn't stop until late.

You see, it's really exhausting. She's got a lot to take in... She also needs time to herself. Don't think of it as her not involving you, think of it as her wanting to take the pressure off of herself so that she doesn't dump it on you afterwards and so that your time together is more enjoyable.

You're probably right...

I know I'm right!

We laughed all evening. I sent a good night message to Astrid but fell asleep before I got an answer.

The next day I woke up in a good mood. I didn't look at my phone right away, I just turned off my alarm clock before going for a run. I went back to my hotel room, took a shower, and got dressed. I grabbed my phone and saw a message and the time: 10:47...


Hello, my love, I'm sorry I didn't answer you last night
I fell asleep with the others in Marion's room.
I'm really sorry, I assure you I'll apologise as soon as we meet
I hope you have a good race
I'm proud of you sweetheart!
I love you
PS: If you want to call me, you can...

Her message made me happy. I looked at the bracelet on my wrist, she was near me, every moment. I smiled, grabbed my backpack, and walked out of my room. I met Jon in front of the lift. "Hello young man, how are you feeling?" he asked. "Hi Jon, I'm fine, I'm well rested. I feel ready to go out and score some points for the team. "I replied. We drove off in silence towards the track. It was strange that she wasn't there with us. I wished I were in my driver's room, lying on the couch with her on top of me. Not a word would be said but it would be a calming moment before I went through the madness of the race. I love driving my McLaren but it's a real anthill this world...

The race was rather boring, except for the safety car at the beginning of the race because of the contact between the Alfa Romeos and Kimi's withdrawal. Otherwise, I was able to quickly put a gap between those behind me and those in front of me also distanced me. It was as if I was racing alone: Charles was 4 seconds behind me and I was 12 seconds behind Sergio, so I was pretty relaxed. I was concentrating on the circuit and not on the people around me. It was quite pleasant. I finished my race P5 and I brought back 10 points to the team which maintained its 3rd place in the constructors' championship.

While we were taking our end-of-weekend photo with my team, Zak arrived with my phone. "Lan, Astrid on the other side of the phone." he said, handing me my phone. I took it and answered.

Hello Miss. Lefebvre. What can I do for you?

Hello Mr. Norris. Congratulations on your fifth place. How are you?

Fine, tired and you?

Well, I'm getting a little stressed about my test tomorrow.

Is this Civil Law? Is that it?

Yes, that's it. I know it's not a difficult test but it's my exams and I don't want to fail.

You'll do well, my love. By the way, thanks for your message this morning. I wanted to call you before the race, but I didn't want to disturb your revision.

You could have called me; I know you enjoy our time together doing nothing. I'm sorry I can't be there.

You're here, sweetheart, you're always with me...

You're a sweetheart. I'll let you celebrate your result with your team, see you soon.

Thanks for understanding. I can't wait to see you again. I love you!

I love you more!

We hung up so that I could go celebrate my result with the whole team before we left for Spain tomorrow. I was enjoying this convivial moment with my team, and I wish it would never end... Only one thing was missing: Astrid...

Lando's Love (2021)Where stories live. Discover now