"If we continue on like this she'll be calling football, soccer. Her jumpers will become sweaters, and she'll be refusing to eat her eggplant. So that is that. We will start having traditional tea time, talking more about the Queen, and we will adopt a British Bulldog...."

I had began playing with the dials on the radio, attempting to find something that didn't sound like a yodelling cowboy crying about his dog running away.

"...Acelynne, you must promise me you will go along with this. I can't do it without a little help."

"I promise" I yawned, setting the radio to pure static as I took another sip of tea. It definitely needed more sugar, that was for sure.

"You need to swear on Dumbledore's grave." She tapped her wand on the top of the radio absently. The name was like a punch in the gut, both emotionally and physically. I think Kelly could see that too, because she looked as though she was about to apologize.

But she never got the chance.

Suddenly, a haunting voice drifted out of the radio, one that made us look at each other and share a silent message of 'I'm not going crazy because you're definitely hearing that too, right?'.

From the box, the voice of Lee Jordan said, "And to all of those poor souls driven into hiding, you are missed. You are loved by mothers and fathers-"

"-And significant others" the voice of George cut through the air, sending me reeling back in my chair. "And hopefully you're getting this message to know that we are fighting to make our home a safer place for us to start families-"

"To raise children and play Quidditch in the backyard." Lee jumped in once more.

"But until then, this has been another episode of Potter watch." With every word George said, the lump grew larger in my throat.

"A special thanks to our guest co-host, Rouge, for being part of today's broadcast. Tomorrow's password will be Vance. But until then this is River, signing off." And with those parting words, the radio clicked and we lost contact with the last people we expected to be hearing from.

Kelly slowly turned towards me, her eyes filling up with tears. "That was Lee" she blinked several times before reaching her arms around an oblivious Siren, who was now staring at the rotating ceiling fan.

"I realized" I said, having gone into momentary shock.

"That was daddy, 'Ren. Did you hear him?" Siren did little to respond. "And George. I'm ninety percent sure that was George."

"It was."

"But what's with the code names?" If I hadn't been in shock, and she hadn't been holding an infant, I would have bopped her on the head for being so thick.

"To remain anonymous, I suppose." If it was even possible, I said it even more lackluster than my previous comments.

"How did was even HEAR that" Kelly was bounding Siren on her knee, all the while carefully inspecting the radio.

"What were you doing right before we heard it?"

"I was... uhm... doing this, I think?" she began to tap her wand on the top of the box in rhythm to Siren's bounding. "That can't be it though? If it was as simple as a tap, everyone would be tuned it."

I thought about it for a moment. "You need to swear on Dumbledore's grave."

"Ya, it's a bit too soon to be saying stuff like that, I'm sorry."

"No, you said 'You need to swear on Dumbledore's grave.' When you were taping your wand.... And they just said that tomorrow's password was Vance..." Isn't there a Vance in the Order?

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