"You have until nightfall to say your goodbyes. Your friends are already under surveillance and will be told as soon as you have left" McGonagall whispered sadly. She took a step backwards, about to disappear into the crowd but I grabbed onto the sleeve of her cloak.

Despite the sadness slowly creeping into me that I had put everyone in danger and I may not ever see them again, I pulled McGonagall into a firm hug. I had put her and Dumbledore through so much, and yet they were still willing to protect everyone I loved.

"Thank you" I whispered and McGonagall lightly hugged me back. "For everything."

"Take care of yourself" she said, pulling away and stepping back towards the door. "I'm sure we will meet again soon enough." And with that, she apparated away.

With my wand at the ready, I quickly made my way back up the stairs and to Kelly's room. Mentally, I tried to prepare myself for lying to my friends one last time. I had a little over an hour until the sun went down. How was I supposed to do that, knowing that I may never see them again?

Just like you've been doing for Merlin-knows how long.

Ah, you've come back. What for this time?

I'm pissed off, alright? I don't want to have to leave our friends and it's all your fault. If you would have just listened to me about everything we wouldn't be in this situation!

Really? Well you were the one who LEFT ME when I first received the box. I didn't hear any of your wisdom then, did I? Didn't I ask for it too?

You were getting better. I thought you were smart enough not to go crawling back to the damn potion.

I am sick and tired of listening to you constantly reprimand me! You only come out when things have gotten to the worst point, but you're never there when I really need you. It seems that Dumbledore has a great handle on this situation, so why don't you just go back to wherever the hell you came from and do what your best at. Nothing.

Her 'light switch' clicked off as I rounded the corner to Kelly's room. Immediately I was greeted with the sounds of a wailing child, who was lying, bundled in Lee's arms. Kelly was tucked into her bed, staring at the ceiling with a look of exhaustion on her face.

"Glad to see you could make it back" she yelled over the baby. "Have a nice chat with McGonagall?"

I shrugged and walked over to the screaming child. "It was fine. How are you feeling?" Laura laughed from the other side of the room, running her hands through her hair.

"Stupid question, Ace" she said.

"Like I just gave birth" Kelly rolled her eyes, which had been focused on the baby the entire time. "And she won't stop crying. And that twat Jacqueline came by and visited the twins, but I told her to bugger off."

"The twins told her it was the pregnancy hormones" Lee began to gently rock the baby in his arms as he looked down lovingly at it, despite its constant screams.

"Who's Jacqueline?" I asked, looking over Lee's shoulder.

"The till girl at the joke shop that won't stop pushing up on George. She sort of looks like you" Lee said, refusing to look away from the little screamer.

The baby was absolutely adorable, with light mocha skin and deep brown eyes. It looked just like any other baby (they really do all just look the same), but Lee seemed to be mesmerized by her.

"She's quite the little siren, isn't she?" I laughed, looking up at Kelly. "I mean, she sounds like a bloody fire truck but Lee is looking at her like she's the newest racing broom."

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