"Really? Well, what does it do?" the other one's jaw practically hit the ground.

"How am I supposed to know? Anyways, I guess she was finally caught when they found her cheating on a quiz. When they questioned her about it, she had a complete fit and threatened to kill McGonagall."

"She must really be insane."

A part of me wanted to turn to them with my wand and make them take it back. Make them see how insane I really could be and that I was not one to be lied about. I could do that to every person I heard talking about me, but what would that prove? That I wasn't as fragile as half of the school thought, and even more insane than the other half of the school was led to believe.

The more I heard it, the more it made isolated it made me feel. Perhaps, if I was having those thoughts, I was exactly what they thought I was. I was unstable and pitiful. Or at least, that's how I was going to end up if I was continually forced to listen to the untruths that complete strangers thought were appropriate to tell about me.

"Are you sure she's okay to be in this class?" a female voice hissed through the collection of foul-smelling fog in the potions room. It would take an idiot not to realise that they were talking about me.

I felt a hand clamp down of my shoulder as I sighed and pressed my fingers to my temples. "Yes?" I said, forcing a smile on my face and turning around.

I found myself face to face with Ramsey Wood, his features slightly skewed by the dense grey mist. "You alright?" he asked, his dark brows furrowed (from what I could see). I opened my mouth to respond, but was cut off by the high pitched call of a certain red-head.

"ACE?" Kelly called from the direction of the door. "Dear Merlin how can you BREATHE in here?" she gasped dramatically.

"Ms. Duncan, what are you doing in my classroom?" Slughorn queried from his desk, but Kelly paid no attention to him. Instead she fumbled through the fog, flapping her hands in front of her face, and choking on the too-visible air.

Finally, I was able to see her face but when she opened her mouth to give me her oh-so-important message, her eyes became impossibly wide and she clapped her hands firmly over her mouth. As quickly as she had burst into the room, she scrambled out, her face growing to be a nauseating colour of green.

"Professor?" I called loudly, looking over to the faint outline of the man sitting behind a desk.

"Go, go" he sighed, waving his hand towards the door in dismissal.

And so I did, albeit a tad more gracefully than Kelly did. Of course, I wasn't as pregnant as Kelly either. I mean, I was not pregnant. At all. And I didn't even need to think like I was in order to find Kelly. From down the corridor I could hear Kelly, making the most horrendous noises as she released her entire stomach contents into the porcelain toilet bowl.

"Kelly?" I asked hesitantly, stepping into the lavatory with the caution of a soldier stepping into a minefield. "You okay?"

She coughed and sputtered a few times before her head popped out of the farthest-most stall. "Positively dandy" she rolled her eyes, grabbed onto the edge of the stall, and pulled herself to her feet.

"You sure?" I took a few steps towards her and reached for her arm, which she pulled away and gave me a face.

"God Ace, I'm pregnant, not disabled" she narrowed her eyes and crossed over to the sink. "This nausea should be going away any day. Or at least, that's what Mr. Cavanaugh told me" she began to beam like a mad-woman and bent awkwardly over the sink in order to take a few sips of water.

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