Temporary Withdrawal

Start from the beginning

I bit down on my lip to force back the scream that would inevitably come, turning my head so I wasn't forced to look at her or the cut. "And what about this?" Alexi said, but the pain didn't come. Instead, another shadow was projected onto the wall, the familiar shadow of the tall, lanky boy that had just left me.

"Hello Ace" he smiled ruefully and ran a hand through his hair. The pain squeezed my heart as he looked down at me, unwilling to help me to my feet. He just stared, his eyes travelling from toe to head and back down again, resting on my face for less than a second.

"You're brain is causing you emotional pain, because that's what is normal. It's painful to see the boy that didn't know he abandoned you" she shrugged and grabbed him by a fistful of hair.

"Don't you dare hurt him" I growled, but the pair smiled down at me. Instead, she spun him around and forced her twisted lips to his. He grabbed onto her, embraced her, kissed her as if he should have kissed me.

They broke apart and smiled down at me again, hands locked together so tightly, they should have broken. "Did that cause you pain?" she smiled a toothy smile and spun George around so her arm was pressing against his head. "Aveda Kedevra" she whispered and he fell to the floor with a thud. "How about now?"

The squeezing pain around my heart grew tighter and tighter until it felt as if my heart had popped. The scream finally broke through, bursting through the barrier my lips had caused, and rang through the air so loud, it hurt my own ears.

"It's a pain you haven't felt in a while, isn't it? It feels foreign, almost as if you've never felt it at all. And it hurts like a raw nerve, exposed to the cold. Wouldn't you give anything to go back to being numb?" she bent down and whispered in my ear, her hot breath against my neck as she taunted me.

"Well wouldn't you?" she said snippily, pointing down to George on the floor.

"Yes" I mumbled and strained my eyes away from him, unable to see him like that.

"I. Can't. Hear you!" her voice rose from a whisper to a screech and she dug her wand into my side.

"Yes" I hissed through gritted teeth.

"Well then" Alexi came in dangerously close to my face and I shut my eyes so I wasn't forced to look into the malevolent face that peered down at me. "You know what to do....."


"Madame Pomfrey?" I asked, peering around the curtains in the hospital wing. I willed my eyes to stay open so I could find the matron, despite the blinding light that assaulted my vision. "Madame Pomfrey?"

She bustled around the corner with a look of panic on her face at the call of her name. "Oh yes, what seems to be the matter my dear?"

I sat down casually on the closest bed and swung my legs around a tad. "Nothing actually. I was just wondering if the school had a supply of Mémoire Floue?" I asked innocently enough, but the question had Madame Pomfrey stop in her tracks.

"Why would you ask about that?" she pushed a piece of hair back into her bun and gusted out her hips.

"Oh! No, it's not that I need it or anything" I laughed. "I probably should have mentioned that I'm applying for an early admission and a scholarship to Healer's School, shouldn't I?"

Madame Pomfrey's face softened in the slightest as she made her way over to me. She gave me a hard stare, scrutinizing my face and searching for the lie that was hiding beneath. She seemed content with what she found because she let her arms drop to her side as she loosened her stance.

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