You Are My Favourite Memory

Start from the beginning

"We'll never make it to the Common Room in time" I gasped. "Besides, she'll probably have Filch waiting there for us."

"Follow me" George said after a moment of thinking. He turned towards the staircases without another moment to lose and sat on the banister. "Are you coming?" he said before sliding down the thin rail of porcelain.

He had to be absolutely bonkers. There was no way that we could manage to get away from Umbridge by going down the stairs. I could hear the footsteps coming from a few floors down, but George's outline was getting smaller and smaller as he plummeted.

"George bloody Weasley, if I die..." I murmured to myself as I straddled the rail and continued after him. Down and down I slid, still significantly far behind George and cringed at the approaching footsteps that seemed to be racing towards me.

"Got one!" shouted Pansy Parkinson as I came into her view. She raised her wand to my level, but I whipped my wand out on impulse.

"Expelliarmus!" I yelled and sent her wand flying out of her hand and over the opposite railing. I continued to slide down the rail, the floor growing nearer and racing past faster as I picked up speed.

The end of the railing was finally in sight and I pushed my hands against the railing, burning the skin slightly, so I could stop myself before I hit the post. George was standing at the bottom, smirking mischievously as he waited for me.

"Nice shot" he commented and held out a hand to help me off the banister.

"If I do say so myself" I brushed my burnt hands against my pants and shrugged.

"But we're not out of the woods yet" George started again, grabbing my wrist and taking off down the third floor corridor just before a spell hit the spot on the floor where we had just been standing.

"Get back here!" the ever annoying voice of Pansy screeched after us.

We ran as hard as we could, sliding around every corner and refusing to look back at our pursuer. Instead, George kept the same steady pace until he came to the statue of the one-eyed witch.

"Dissendium!" he hissed and the hump on the witch opened up to reveal a passage, small enough for us to squeeze through, and a short slide. He pushed me inside and followed suit before it closed off and separated us from Pansy.

"Oumf!" I grunted as I landed on the ground with a thud. I crawled over to the other side of the narrow passageway, rubbing my arse and waiting for George. He appeared a few moments later, his hands tucked behind his head as he slid down the slide on his back.

"What a fabulous entrance" I said dryly and squinted at him through the dark. "But where are we?"

"In a passageway, of course" I could almost feel him roll his eyes as he strode over to me and held out a hand.

"No really?" I took it and pulled out my wand with my other hand. "Lumos. I would have thought it was a ballroom."

George laughed and plucked the wand from my hands, causing the light to disappear. He flourished his own wand and created a handful of Blue Bell Flames, setting them in an old torch-holder. "It goes straight to Honeydukes, actually." He tossed both of our wands to the ground and leaned against the wall beside me. "This is how I make your extremely frequent chocolate runs."

"Oh really?" I cocked an eyebrow up at him but my eyes shifted to the slide. How many people knew about this passageway? Did Umbridge? Would we get caught?

"And Filch doesn't even know about it" George laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "Only me, Fred, Lee, Harry, and the Marauders."

"The who?" But George didn't answer. Instead, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around my upper thighs, just under my bum. He picked me up, causing me to almost smack my head on the ceiling. "Is there a reason why I'm up here?"

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