Blackouts and Bad Omens

Start from the beginning

"Of course I was" he laughed and tucked his wand into his pocket. "Your turn."

"No! I'm not jinxing you until you jinx me! Now get on with it or else we'll be here all day!" I glared at him. The rest of the room stopped what they were doing to watch us, locked in a staring contest and waiting for one of us to make the first real move.

He stood still, arms crossed over his chest. "Take the wand out of your pocket, George." He shook his head and pointed his finger to my wand.

"Jinx me!"

"Take out your wand!"

"Only if you jinx-ˮ he started.

Fed up, I pulled out my wand and aimed the end at him. "Stupify!" I yelled, cutting him off. The spell zoomed towards him, knocking him in the chest and sending him toppling backwards. He laid there on the pillow, unconscious, for a few seconds before sitting up and pulling the wand from his back pocket.

"Better?" I asked, and he nodded his head. He toyed with his wand, still hesitant, and the whole room groaned.

"George" Harry walked up to him, and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Hate to say it, but death eaters aren't as big of a..." he search for the word, sneaking a glance over at me, before looking up to my boyfriend.

"Stubborn arse?" I put it, and Harry laughed, shaking his head and stepping away from us.

"Death eaters won't be as big of a gentleman as you are" he said and backed away into the crowd.

I laughed loudly, rolling my eyes at Harry's choice of words, only to be hit in the chest with a stunning spell. I fell backwards onto the pillows, the world going dark....

I expected myself to be awake by now. George was only asleep for a few seconds, why was this lasting so much longer? And why was the floor so hard? I was supposed to land on the soft pillows that the room provided for us...

"Bonjour Acelynne" a thick fake French accent said through the dark. An invisible hand reached out and grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to them. "Comment ca va?"

"Let go!" I said, pulling away from him and crawling backwards. I only moved back a few feet before I was back in the corner I had spent most of my time in while I was in my cell. I bit my lip and felt around for my wand, unable to find it in the dark.

I closed my eyes, the darkness remaining the same either way. I wasn't really here. I was on the floor, in the room of requirement, after being jinxed by George. "What's the matter, mon cherie? Scared?" His voice crept closer and closer, his feet slapping against the cement in a metrical way. The sound of nails scratching against the walls added into the song, as he began to whisper, hum, in a deathly low voice.

"You're not real" I whispered, pressing myself against the wall and drawing my knees to my chest. "It's all in my head." I rocked back and forth, my head hitting the wall with a dull thud each and every time I went backwards.

He continued to hum, the sinister collaboration of unlikely instruments growing closer and closer.

Slap, slap, scratttttttttttttttch, slap, slap, scrattttttttttch.

"You're not real" I repeated, and the noises stopped altogether. His toes were pressed against mine, his hands touching the wall above my head. "You can't hurt me because you're not real."

He chuckled darkly, a monotonous laugh that dragged out through the inky blackness. But a sudden light broke through the dark, a pinpoint of light radiating from the end of his wand. He drew lines through the air, leaving a trail of light to follow until he dropped his wand and pointed it to my face.

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