"Hate to say it Ace, but if Hermione see's that sign, then you might not have a boyfriend anymore" Laura laughed nervously. I couldn't help but notice her eyes were dancing, continuously examining me from the top of my head, down to my feet.

"I'm sure she won't be too upset" I gave a dismissive wave and turned back towards my friends. "Listen, I'm sorry I snapped at you.... but I'm okay. I promise" I held out my pinkie in a juvenile manner and they did the same.

As if on cue, Hermione flounced down the steps and caught up with Harry and Ron, who had come down right after the crowd disappeared. "Hey guys" she said to us as she passed, before turning to the board and began speaking sternly to Ron. She ripped down the poster and continued to speak harshly with him, making him look distressed. They walked away, Hermione still speaking at a hundred miles an hour.

"So how did the summer with George go?" Kelly winked and I swatted at her shoulder. "Any steamy, hanky panky?"

"No!" I blushed, thinking back to the orchard. Their eyes went wide and I ducked my head, walking out of the portrait whole and skipping a few steps in front of them.

"You're a horrible liar" Laura laughed and caught up to me, linking her arm with mine. Kelly joined on the other side, her bright red hair crossing into my personal space and touching my cheek.

"So dish all of the dirty deets" Kelly giggled and poked me in the side. "We want to know about everything...."

"Well not everything..."

"Nothing kinky....."

"Or at least, too kinky?" I rolled my eyes at my friends pervertedness.

"Just some mild snogging, nothing too sexual" I attempted to tone down the conversation, but refusing to spill any further details. "Besides, I don't kiss and tell."

"What you mean is that you don't shag and tell."

"We didn't shag."

"Come on, Ace! Spending all of that time alone together, especially after his daring rescue? You can't possibly say that it didn't happen at some point!" Laura continued, her tone full of positivity.

"We didn't shag!" I repeated rather loudly, gaining the attention of several passing students. "So just shut up about it."

"Fine, don't tell us" Laura shrugged as we stepped into the Entrance Hall.

"But we are your best friends. You'll tell us sooner or later" Kelly said in a casual tone.

"I'll tell you when it actually happens, so don't hold your breath." We stepped into the Great Hall and the smell of breakfast hit me as hard as the knight bus. But that wasn't the only thing that turned my attention away from my friends. It was the duo of flaming head of hair, sitting across from Harry, Ron and Hermione and talking animatedly.

His gaze turned to me, as if he could feel my presence in the room, and looked at me over Harry's shoulder. He smiled slightly, and turned back to talking to trio with his brother, his voice dropped lower than before.

Harry suddenly dropped his fork and dove under the table to get it. Fred said something to George and they both stood up, taking piles of toast with them. They hurried around the table and into my direction, whispering and sending careful looks at me.

"Hey Ace" Fred smiled and shoved a piece of toast into his mouth. "Off to sell some extendable ears!" he continued on his way.

"Good morning, love" George bent down and kissed my forehead, but continued to walk after his twin. Kelly and Laura gave each other mischievous glances before dropped my arms and running over to the table.

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