Darkness and Moonlight

Start from the beginning

"Where is she?" A gruff voice commanded from the next room. I peered around the corner, only to certainly recognize the face of the man in the kitchen, pinning Antoine up against the wall with a closed fist. He couldn't be mistaken. His face had been plastered on posters around Hogwarts only two years before. It was Sirius Black.

"In the basement!" Antoine cried, twisting his head to avoid Blacks gaze.

He let out a laugh that sounded easily like a bark, driving Antoine even harder into the wall behind him. "We've already checked there, you lying shit. So tell me again, where is Acelynne Connors?"

"Me?" I responded, my voice low. Antoine was dropped to the ground, Sirius turning around to face me. I hardly recognized my own voice.

He looked down at his hand, his eyes flitting between my face and the photo he held. "Acelynne?" he questioned. "Dumbledore has sent us. We're here to rescue you." From what I had been told, Sirius Black was a deranged criminal. I doubted him slightly, but part of me didn't care. Anywhere was better than here.

The air exploded around me as a bright red light missed me by inches. "Quick! You must get outside. We have people outside waiting for you."Sirius rounded on the offending death-eater, firing at him without words. "Acelynne, you must go now!"

I nodded and headed towards the front door, mouthing a silent, but ever meaningful, thank you. This door, however, would not be my escape. Five men stood on opposite sides of the front porch, firing wildly at one another. The frequency of green light crossing the threshold proved risky, and I looked around for another escape.

The staircase leading upstairs was open, and I ran up with nowhere else to go. Whereas previously, every movement of my body caused me immense pain, the adrenaline coursing through me vets ensured I felt nothing at all. With every floor I climbed, I rejected the possibility of escape. People were fighting in every direction I looked, leaving me no clear or certain exit.

Before I knew it, I was standing on the very top floor of the house.

With a crash, the steps behind me were blasted away, and I had no choice. I had to find a way out from up here, or I wouldn't not be getting out at all. or. As I made my way down the foreign corridor, I tugged on every door handle but none would budge. Without my wand, I couldn't defend myself, let alone open a door.

A sudden breeze caused the hairs on my skin to stand on end, and I looked in its direction. At the end of the corridor, my only option remained.

I opened the window further and stuck my head outside. There was a ledge underneath, no larger than a metre in depth. There would be enough for me to get up onto the roof, at least. My path off of the roof, however, was more difficult as I attempted to plan my escape, lit only by moonlight. A small patch of bushes lied below, not quite dense enough to totally cushion my fall, but hopefully it was enough to at least keep me in one piece.

I crawled my way onto the roof, inhaling deeply as I prepared for my long fall down. Before I could fully commit, arms swinging with momentum, a figure flew by like a red bolt lightning. They stopped mid-air, circling back to meet me at the edge of the roof.

"Acelynne?" he called from his CleanSweep 5. It was him. It was my George. "Is that you?"

"Of course it is!" He hovered closer to me, taking in my image tentatively. "Why are you just starring at me? Aren't you going to help?"

"I.... I can't hardly recognize you."

"George, please! I can prove its me! Ask me something, anything that only I would know!" I looked behind me, anxious that the sounds of conflict may be closing in on us. I was also beginning to feel it, the familiar burn of my muscle aching, threatening to give way.

"Who interupted our first kiss?" he asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"Ron!" I said. With that confirmation, he reached forward and grabbed my wrist, pulling me to the edge of the roof. I dug my heels in quickly, fearful of totally losing my balance. His broom sank lower, below the gutters of the roof, until only the top of his head was visible. "What are you doing?!" I yelped in a panic.

"I'm just getting a bit lower so that you can jump on!" The vertigo began to kick in, my vision going wavy and my balance officially beginning to fail "Ace, you can do it!"

"I'm scared" I whimpered , and I heard him sigh beneath me.

"Just jump, Acelynne, I'll catch you!"

With a deep breath, I sat myself down on the ledge, dangling my feet below me. Before I could second guess myself, I pushed off, rendering myself completely to the pull of gravity.

While it must have only taken less than a moment, it felt like forever before I had actually hit the broom. It dipped a softly under the new weight, and I quickly reached forward to grab ahold of the back of his shirt.

George raised his wand under his chin, using magic to amplify his voice as he howled a low, deep howl. Below, one of the parties began to retreat back into the woods, some of them hopping up onto broomsticks and taking off into the sky.

"That's the signal. Hold on tight?" without a second more, he took off straight into the sky.

I wrapped my arms wrapped tightly around him, squeezing my eyes shut as the wind whipped past our faces. The flight didn't feel long, but then again, in the cell I had lost all sense of time. Eventually, we began to descend, dropping lower and lower until our feet only just skimmed the dirt on the ground.

I opened my eyes, not to be greeted by the sight of the Burrow or the Orchard, but a row of stone houses. I wasn't able to get my bearings before my legs betrayed me, lucky that George was just able to halt my fall and sweep me up into his arms. He climbed the steps to a battered looking door, taking the silver knocker in hand and firmly smacking it against the wood.

Molly Weasley opened the door in a flurry, quickly ushering us inside and locking the door firmly behind us. "Are you sure you weren't followed?" she hissed, and George nodded. He carried me up the stairs of the house, and I was suddenly pulled under by the lulling idea of sleep. With every moment that passed, the sensation grew stronger as the call of sleep got louder in my ears. His voice drifted in and out my head, most of his words becoming indistinguishable from my own incoherent thoughts.

"She looks awful" I heard Mrs. Weasley say. I was gently lowered down onto something soft, much softer that what I had been previously sleeping on "George, I think she needs the hospital."

I mustered enough energy to shake my head and grab onto George's shirt with a weak fist. "No" I mumbled and somebody retorted with a tut of frustration.

"If you say so." Something warm was placed over my body. "Just close your eyes, dear, he'll be here when you wake up" she promised and I nodded.

I relented to the pull of sleep, a familiar warmth spreading over me as George tucked himself next to my body. I couldn't allow myself to completely believe it, the rescue seeming too good to be true. But if this was a dream, it was incredibly convincing.

If this was a dream, I never wanted to wake up.

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