Proposal ig :)

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It was such a beautiful night. The sky was cloudy pink and the clear blue water was reflecting the golden sunset. We walked down the lake, hand in hand, talking about life, the meaning of life, and more deep stuff. The moon started to get brighter, and as we got to a small, beautiful, and Greek-style bridge. It had beautiful graphics in it, and it reflected in the water with the golden sunset on it. When we were in the middle of the bridge, we stopped and looked over the beautiful lake. At that moment, suddenly everything seemed alright. All my problems just disappeared, life was good. But just when I thought we were going to walk back, he went down, on one of his knees, and got something out of his pocket. I said to myself that it wasn't what I thought it was, but I couldn't keep myself from thinking that he was going to purpose to me. He opened his hand, and in it was a little brown box, within golden letters " Jewelry " written on it, and a beautiful, violet, silk ribbon tied around it. He untied it and gave the silk ribbon to me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back with his beautiful, pure smile and eyes looking like the stars. He opened the little box, and it had a beautiful, golden ring in it with a diamond that glanced in the light of the sunset. He took the ring, and asked me, with the purest, angelic voice ever, " Will you marry me, please? " as he smiled at me, even though I could see that he was nervous. My heart lit up.  At that moment, I knew it. I just knew it. It was him.  He's the one for me.  Even my parents loved him, and that never happened with any of my boyfriends before him. I was speechless, and couldn't believe this was happening. There just aren't any words to describe how I was feeling at that moment. I tried to speak up and say " Yes, of course I will ", but instead of speaking up, I whispered it quietly, still being in shock. I tried to get the courage together to speak up, and I did. My smile was bigger than it ever was before. " Yes yes I will. I definitely will. " I told him. His eyes lit up and started glancing at me, just like the beauitul stars that were starting to come out. He stood up and kissed me, and everything was perfect again. I love this man, I said to myself. We walked back home together, being happier than ever. :D


Well that was a random proposal that came to my mind, I hope you like it :) 

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