We collapsed under a large tree in hysterics, gasping for are. My ribs began to hurt as I sat up across from Ramsey, his face a bright shade of red from the cold. "Do you want to head inside?" he asked as he stood up, holding out a hand for me.

"Okay" I took his frozen hand and we began to walk back up to the castle, shivering. "So did you see the look on Snape's face when I blew up the cauldron?"

"He looked as though HE was going to explode... wasn't like the fifth cauldron this year?" he should know, as it was his misfortune that I was his potions partner. "But you're not that bad at potions.... you should see my partner, now she's horrible."

"HEY!" I punched him lightly on the arm and smiled, knowing he was very true. I was one of Snape's least favourite students, besides Potter of course. One time in potions in first year I made my floating potion catch on fire and singed his hair, and burnt his eyebrows off. One hundred points from Gryffindor.

"Yah I know, I'm THAT bad. But it's okay though, MY partner is a bit of a genius. I just let him carry the workload. He's such a Ravenclaw."

"I know... god I hate guys like that" he nudged my arm as we pulled ourselves away from the cold and into the warmth of the castle. "What shall we do now, any ideas?"

"Have you ever played hide and seek?" I asked him and he gave me a look of disbelief.

"Who hasn't?" he asked in a defensive tone.

"Ever played it in the portraits?" I asked and he shook his head. "Well then let's play!" I expected him to scoff and tell me to stop being so childish but instead he pulled out his wand. "Esse pictoratus!" I twisted my wand counter-clockwise once and we were flying through the air for a brief second, almost like being in the Floo, and landed steadily on soft grass. I looked out in front of me and saw the empty corridor where we were once standing.

"Are we actually in a portrait?" he asked and I nodded, very proud of myself. "This is amazing!" He turned to the wizards that were standing behind us, awestruck.

"Hello" I said cheerily to them and took Ramsey by the hand, leading him out of this particular portrait. "This is how we play, I hide and you seek!" he rolled his eyes and put on his best whining voice.

"But Acelynne! I wanna hide!" he stomped his foot but couldn't help but laugh at his childish act. "Just kidding...one, two, three" he said and covered his eyes slightly.

"No cheating!" I said and covered his eyes fully, than began sprinting through the portraits, waving at the people as I passed by. They waved back or looked at me like I was bonkers. "If a boy comes running through here, don't tell him where I am!" I continued to run and stopped, panting in a portrait of the forest. It was dark and an eerie noise was sounding from behind me, the perfect place to hide. I reached up and grabbed a tree branch, and began to climb a particularly large tree.

"Who's there?!" called a voice from the corridor. Mad-Eye Moody was limping down the hallway on his fake leg, his magical eye zooming around in his head. He stopped right in front of my portrait and looked right at me. "Connors, what are you doing in there?" he asked in a menacing voice.

"I'm playing hide and seek!" I answered in a hushed tone and brought my finger to my lips. He shrugged and continued on his way down the corridor, probably questioning MY sanity.

"Remember, constant vigilance!" he said from down the corridor and I rolled my eyes. I'm pretty sure he was trying to make that his catch phrase. He was a truly crazy old man, but he knew about what he taught. I sat in the tree, my feet dangling high above the forest floor when something sounded from a few portraits over.

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