"I got myself expelled!" Antoine laughed. She looked at him with big chocolate eyes in complete disbelief. "Meet my new Howarts friends! This is Laura, Kelly, and Acelynne" The girl gave us a genuine smile, the kind of which I had yet to see from one of these French girls.

"'Ello, my name is Marie." She looked into each of our faces as she tried to decipher who was who.

"Je suis Acelynne" I said and she nodded. "The red head is Kelly, and the blonde is Laura." I pointed them each out, internally trying to determine if she too was one of the part-Veela girls which Beauxbatons seemed to export.

"How nice it is to meet Antoine's new friends!" Yet again she gave us a bright smile. The crowd gasped as something happened on the lake and we all turned to see what it was.

"FLEUR DELACOUR HAS PULLED HERSELF FROM THE COMPETITION AFTER BEING ATTACKED BY GRINDYLOWS! HER SISTER IS NOW WITHOUT A CHAMPION!" the announcer said as a wet, shivering girl was pulled from the lake. Fleur was absolutely beautiful, even when turning a slight shade of blue. She appeared to be crying, terrified for her younger sister who was now trapped under the water.

I felt a pang of sadness for her and could read the look of shock on everyone in the audience. "WE WILL RETRIEVE THE GIRL WHEN THE LAST OF THE CHAMPIONS HAS SURFACED OR AT THE END OF THE ONE HOUR TIME LIMIT. THERE IS NO NEED FOR ALARM." Barty Crouch projected his voice into the crowd and we all began to calm down once more.

It seemed like forever when the remaining champions began to surface, one by one. Cedric with Cho came first, Viktor with Hermione second, and after many, long painful minutes Ron and Gabrielle surfaced and swam over to the dock. Finally, Harry came springing to the surface of the water, out of breath and tired.

The stands begin to empty out as the final rankings were called. In a surprising twist of events, Harry was awarded second for managing to save not one, but two captives. Good for him. That boy certainly had a bit of a hero complex, did he?

"That was scary" Laura said as we made our way to Hermione, who was off of the docks, swarmed by healers, and wrapped in a towel.

"Are you okay Hermione?" we asked and she nodded.

"Of course she is!" Viktor stood protectively by her side and earned a very bitter look from Kelly, who disliked him very much. "Hello Richter." I turned around to find that blasted Bulgarian leering over my shoulder, breathing heavily. We were all shaking except for those two who were obviously used to the frigid weather.The boy, more like bears, spoke to each other in Bulgarian, leaving us all extremely lost. 

"Guys, I'm fine. Go back up to the common room or something" Hermione said as she looked up at Viktor, who was still standing defensively in front of her. Merlin bless that girl, she knew how much I hated Richter, and how much I wanted to get away from him.

We all nodded and began to walk away from her silently. "Well that Viktor is quite fit" Laura commented and we all rolled our eyes. She was boy-crazed.

"ACE!" someone was running up beside me sounding tired but not out of breath. "You're out of the Hospital Wing, that's great!" Ramsey said. His cheeks and nose were a bright shade of red from running in the cold, a Ravenclaw scarf wrapped tightly around his neck. "Um listen, do you think we could talk sometime... alone?"

Kelly and Laura looked at him with sly looks on their faces. Without another word they grabbed each other's hands and dashed off towards the castle, leaving me behind with Ramsey. What great friends, really I loved them both to death. Death, yep that was a good word to describe how much I loved them. Sometimes so much, that I just wanted to kill them.

"So, what do you want to talk about, seeing as we are now, very conveniently, alone?" Ramsey let out a small laugh and began directing me towards the edge of the forest. 

"Where are we going?"

"Are you okay? You know, after those Slytherins..." he brought his hands to his forehead and began to pace. "When I saw them, saw you... I didn't know what to think..." his voice was full of hate and malice.

I cocked my head to the side, willing myself to put together everything he was saying. "Ramsey, were you the one that saved me?" He was still pacing and I reached my arm out, stopping him in his tracks. "Ramsey!"

He nodded and I threw my arms around his neck. I felt him breathe out a sigh of relief and his shaky hands reached around my torso. "You have no idea how grateful I am for you."

"... I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." I pulled myself apart from him and lightly punched him on the shoulder.

"You should be! I've been driving myself bonkers trying to figure out who my knight in shining armour could be." He chuckled and I raised an eyebrow. "Well I am eternally in your debt, how shall I ever repay you?" I put on my best damsel in distress voice and Ramsey's eyes lit up.

"Well I mean, I know you just broken up with George and all but maybe... would you like to go to Hogsmead with me on the next trip?" My heart sunk a tiny bit. Ramsey was a brilliant guy, but I really had JUST broken up with George...

You never know until you get back on the horse, I guess?

"Actually, I'm not allowed to go on Hogsmead trips. It's a long story." His face fell. "But maybe if you didn't mind missing the trip, we could hang out. There wouldn't be very many people around and I'm sure we could find something to do in a castle this big."

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