"George you have to talk to her sometime!" Fred shouted and George shrugged his shoulders. "You can't push me out forever! Where did you go last night then? Try and answer that question..." George huffed and walked out, pushing past me but not seeing me.

"Well then..." I said and walked in hesitantly. My head was still reeling from the possibility that Fred may have kissed me last night. But, he was taken..... and not the twin I wanted but he might have kissed me. It was the only thing that would have made sense, even though in the same token it made zero sense at all. There's no way that George would have come to visit me, let alone kiss me. Why, why had my life after meeting these boys gotten do damn difficult? I wasn't a bad person! This wasn't karma!


"Hello Ace, how are you this fine morning?" Fred asked and plopped down onto the couch, scooting over so that there was room for me. I stood there, arms crossed and glared at him. Did he really expect me to be all fine and dandy? "What's the matter Ace?"

"HOW COULD YOU!?" I shouted. "Last night? I just broke up with your twin brother for Merlin's sake! And what about Angelina huh?"

"Wow Ace, calm down. What are you talking about?" he furrowed his brow and stared at me in disbelief. "And keep your voice down."

"What am I talking about?! Last night, you were sitting up in my part of the Hospital Wing and you...." I lowered my voice so only we could hear. "You kissed me."

Fred looked taken aback for a brief moment, but it quickly fell from his face and instead he laughed that stupid Weasley laugh. "Ace, of course I didn't! Why would I?! No offence, but I have a girlfriend and you are just like a little sister to me. I would never, ever, yet again no offence, EVER kiss you Acelynne." I felt relief take over me and let out a huge sigh.

"You have no idea how relieved I feel to hear you say that. But if you weren't in my room last night than that can only mean....." my voice was barely a whisper. Fred jumped up from the couch and wrapped me in a hug.

"If it wasn't me than it MUST have been George. It's not like we have a secret triplet?! That has to be where he went last night!" he picked me up, put me down swiftly, and held me out at arm's length. His eyes were twinkling with some unexplained delight that I couldn't reciprocate.

"No, no no no no no" I pulled away from him and threw myself onto the couch. This couldn't be happening. I loved him, but couldn't tell him. I had lost my chance with George, no matter what Fred was not going to go there. "I can't do it Fred."

"It's obvious that you two are dying without one another. Why can't you just say I'm sorry and move on with it?"

"Because, there is something going on right now.... something personal..." I choked out the word in pieces to the point where it wasn't possible to understand. "I'm not allowed to say anymore but... well.... I can't tell him about it and now he thinks I'm keeping things from him."

"Well technically, you are" he said and I shot him a death glare. "Okay I get it, you don't want to have to deal with the issues but you know what Ace? That's what a relationship is all about! Working past it and learning from it. Trust, that's all you need to do."

I needed to think about this. Alone. "Fred, I'll talk to you later" I said and ran up the stairs to my room. Lavender was sitting on her bed, brushing her hair and starring lovingly into a mirror. Could she be anymore conceded?

"Hello Ace...Feeling better?" she asking in that annoyingly high pitched voice she put on when she was trying to be cute or sweet.

"Yes Lavender I am. I feel just bloody peachy despite the fact that I had by head cracked open by a couple of Slytherins." She nodded in a way that told me that she wasn't listening to a word I was saying.

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