"GEORGE! GEORGE I'M OVER HERE!" I screamed, knowing he was nowhere close. All I needed was for the boys to break concentration long enough to slip from their grasp, or at least be able to reach for my wand. They looked at each other in confusion, turning their heads to check if the coast was clear.

It gave me just enough time to drive my knee upwards and into Leases' crotch, causing him to double over in pain. He stepped away, and I took off down the corridor. I only made it a few steps before Turner shouted "Petrificus Totalus!" and I was frozen mid-step. "You're a sneaky girl, aren't you? Well love, it's not going to be that easy."

Two firm hands placed themselves on my back and pushed, my body toppling to the hard stone floor. My head made a sickening crack as it hit the stone and a warm sensation began to trickle down my forehead.

"HEY, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" a voice called from down the corridor. I couldn't quite make out who the voice belonged to. The world sounded as if it was under water, and I was slowly sinking faster and faster.

Everything was now fading into a blurry shade of grey, the muffled sound of scattered footsteps coming in dangerously close to my head. "Acelynne? Ace! Are you ok?" the voice asked me but I couldn't respond. The last thing I could hear was the sound of someone calling my name before I hit the bottom of the ocean.


When I woke up, it felt as though I had been hit by a train. My brain was pounding on the inside of my skull, the slightest noise amplifying the pain tenfold.

Where was I? The sterile smell lead me to believe I may have been in the hospital wing.

Where was George?

With the thought of his name, my memories came flooding back like a tidal wave. The fight, the confusion, the running, the fear...... it was all too much for me to handle. I just wanted to go back to sleep and never wake up. The thought of the Slytherin boys caused the bile in my stomach to curled and threatened to make its way to the surface. What had stopped them? A flash of red was all I could remember.

It couldn't have been... George? Had he come back to save me?

"When is she going to wake up?" Kelly's voice asked. I rolled over in my bed and she gasped.

"Ace? Are you awake Ace?" Laura's voice was hysterical and I opened my eyes. They both looked as if they had been crying, cheeks tear-stains and eyes bloodshot. They both jumped up and hugged me, crushing the air from my lungs.

"You're alive!" they cried. "Oh my god, Ace, we are so sorry that we weren't there." They moved back to their seats, opening my view to the mountain of gifts that were surrounding my bed. "These are for you."

"Ace, you wouldn't believe the things people are say happened" Kelly leaned in close to me. "Did some Slytherins really.... attack you?"

"They... they tried. They said it was payback for the twins planting a dung-bomb in their common room." I had to choke back a few tears. "I tried to get them to stop, but if it wasn't for... whoever it was that intervened..."


"I have absolutely no idea... Maybe George?" Laura and Kelly shook their heads and looked at me with sad eyes.

"Oh Ace, we... we think you are mistaken.... George was in the common room getting wasted for about an hour after you left.... I think he even slept in there" Kelly wiped her eyes and put her hand over mine. No it had to be him, it was the only explanation that made sense.

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