Five Minutes - Oneshot

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"Every five minutes." Akira added, flashing his five fingers in front of the pair.

"Gomenasai." Begged Makino.

"Oi! What's with the apology?"

"It's our fault; you should apologise too!"



" OI! FIVE MINUTES!" Soujiro and Akira interrupted the two to stop them from arguing again.

"God, how I hate this!" Soujiro exhaled. "God, please send me an angel to take me away from this rather strange couple!" Akira whispered as he tilted his head and slowly turned around. He opened his eyes and saw a lady in her mid-thirties and a younger lady, both in sexy outfits. His lips formed a smile, and he straightened his back, raised his hand in the air as if praying, and stared at the ceiling. "Thank you, God!" he said cheerfully. "For sending me the angel I asked you for." He left the group, followed by Soujiro.

Tsukushi, Rui, and Tsukasa followed the gaze of their two playboy friends, who began to sit beside the other girls. "They really do get the women so easily, don't they?" Makino whispered to herself as she watched Soujiro stroke the younger lady's arm while Akira whispered something to the older lady. The lady looked very pleased as she giggled at what Akira was telling her.

"Oh! I have to go too." Rui informed them, and their gazes were fixed on Rui, who gathered his things and began to rise from his seat.

"Hey, Rui..." Tsukasa called out to him.

Rui turned in his direction.

"Where are you going?" Asked Tsukushi.

He just stared at her for a second before answering. "Home." He told them briefly.

Tsukushi did not avert her gaze, but rather looked at him curiously.

Rui sighed at the sight of Tsukushi's expression. "Yes, matta, neh?" he offered them and started to leave the restaurant.

"What's wrong with him?"

"Baka!" Tsukasa said again. "He's going home to get some more sleep!" he declared haughtily. "Are you still not used to him?"

"Why are you calling me 'baka' all of a sudden?" she asked demandingly. "DO YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO RESPECT OTHER PEOPLE?!"


"OI! FIVE MINUTES!" Shouted Soujiro and Akira at them once more to end their new argument.

Reluctantly, Tsukasa did nothing to stop Tsukushi from going home. All he remembered before they went their separate ways was that they were arguing about eating takoyaki near a school called Shirokin Gakuin. Tsukushi said that the takoyaki there was really delicious and cheap (so not that expensive), but Tsukasa insisted that the place was dirty and so they could get allergies if they ate cheap takoyaki.

They argued about that—about takoyaki. Then it was about Tsukushi's celebrity crush, whom he knew only by the name Matsumoto. The next topic they argued about was family, which again led to them being rude: Tsukushi was the cheap-food freak and Tsukasa was the rich bastard.

If only Soujiro and Akira were there, they'd probably shout "Oi! Five minutes!" just to remind them again how childish they are. But what could he do? He tried to be the nice guy, but the name Tsukasa Domyouji and the term 'nice' don't go together.

And the next thing he knew, he was screaming into the air. Tsukushi had disappeared from his sight, and no matter how many times he tried to call her, she wouldn't answer. And even though he's the one with a luxurious car, a driver, and two personal assistants to look for her, Tsukushi knows the roads better; she knows a lot of shortcuts he doesn't yet.

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