thinking about

21 1 0

Thinking thinking thinking about you only you why. You look so chill when you talk to your friends . And then last night you were talking to me and you seemed a little shy and still you keep on looking at me . And i don't know how to react that , like is it a bad thing, I am I doing something wrong, was I laughing to loud , i know he's new to the church and he's doing good for his 3 day coming to this church , he's so chill , but I what him to be chill not be those guys that try to have a deeper voice and try to seem cooler . I like him cus he seem cool fun and he doesn't care if I have to much fun . I like guys like that. I like a fun cool guy that sings dus hiphop, and he is cute has a cute smile and awesome hair, and has brown eyes with eyebrows on fleack.

Wow i never thought that he would come up to me and talk to me that was wow . This guy that i just met and i think i like but i can't stop thinking about . Like this is a love story all over again . Why i am mad at myself that i didn't get his number and hopefully i will see him on Friday at Minnie church . Maybe i can get his number and hag out with him. Sadie wanted me to talk to him when she is there . And she left and right then he came out and that's when it happened . Now i trying to text sadie to tell her what happened what she left. I guess i don't want to say this but i think i am better when i am along then u can talk to guys and hang , but when i am with sadie i have fun, and i am not gay and these books are based on my life and these guys that came into my life and crushed it mostly . And please don't think i am gay . I am a loner without sadie i am mad without God i am sad all the time or i am nervous all the time , i just need someone to hag and be myself with and cry and sing and smile with . I need someone who will listen and Care, who will be there when i need them at anytime , I just can talk to them so I can ask them advice not mostly give them advice.  There this guy that sadie likes and i gave her advice for the guy she likes ,she hasn't seen him for a long time so I gave her advice for what to say , i guess i should use that and tell him . What wach tomorrow i will mess up and it will go all wrong and this usually happens ok don't think this is a script

that guy ♡♡♡Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum