Letters From my Boyfriends Mother

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, I get that" I nodded in understanding. "But your Mum does seem pretty amazing" I snickered, and he couldn't help but smile just a tiny bit as well.

"Well if you want, we can go visit them next break" he said. "I must warn you though, my dad's a bit of a nut. He's OBSESSED with muggle things." George shook his head and let go of my hand.

"Time to go to class love" he kissed the top of my head, and I watched as he walked down the corridor.

George Weasley (and his Mum) had just given me a free pass to come and visit them. I grew up in a bit of a dysfunctional family, even by the Weasleys standards, but at least they were family.

"Ace! Come on, we have Herbology, and I don't want to have to clean out the dragon dung fertilizer pots again!" Kelly grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the hallway and into the cold exterior.


"Today, class, we are going to be making a powerful antidote" Snape said as he paced around the room, his black cloak billowing behind him as normal. "It is the Kemcallious Antidote, can anyone tell me what it cures in general?"

Hermione's hand shot up into the air, but he didn't choose her, as usual. He slowed as he rounded on Neville, who was hopeless at potions. "Tell me, Mr. Longbottom" Snape looked down his hooked nose at the poor boy, who was visibly shaking in his seat.

"Um.... I......I" Neville stuttered.

"Stupid boy, fifteen points from Gryffindor!" Snape said and turned on me, his greasy hair reflecting the dim light that kept the dungeon lit. "Ms. Connors, do tell me what the Kemcallious Antidote does."

"It uhm...it one of the most powerful poison cures, second to the Bezoar. It...Uhm...can cure mostly any poison. Unless the poison contains hemlock or dragon scales" I twiddled with my thumbs in my lap, avoiding his piecing gaze. I was fine with answering questions in class, but when Snape was glaring at me with those beady, black, eyes it was like he could peer into my very soul.

"Decent enough explanation" Snape retorted. "Except, amidst all of your insufferable uhms, you forgot that it is incredibly complex to make, and if taken in an inappropriate dosage... it can kill you itself" Snape turned away from me and flicked his wand. The recipe began to write itself out on the board in a messy scrawl.

"You may begin" Snape shouted and Ramsey and I began to get to work, chopping hedge-pig quills and powdering mint leaves. Within fifteen minutes or so, a horrid smell wafted through the room. I leaned down and took a sniff of our cauldron, and came to the conclusion that it was definitely not ours.

"What is that smell?" Ramsey leaned into my space. "Because Snape is bound to notice right about....."

"Who made this monstrosity?" Snape roared and walked straight over to Neville. Neville sunk down into his seat with wide eyes. "Well Mr. Longbottom, I see that, yet again, you have embarrassed yourself."

Neville made a choking noise and looked into his pot of toxic green waste. According to the recipe, it was supposed to be a soft purple, and smell faintly of pine. Snape sneered at him and pulled out a tiny silver shell.

"This is the shell of an Evermore Snail. The snail will bring life and the shell will bring death. Tell me, Mr. Longbottom, do you feel confident enough in your potion that you would eat this shell?" Neville shook his head. "Well then, get to work! Your time is running out!" I swear I just saw him smile a tiny bit. Neville choked for words but came up blank and with eyes full of unshed tears.

"You're not being very fair" the words slipped from my mouth without permission. "And you certainly can't threaten students with poison." Ah shit, I'd really screwed myself now. Snape turned to me, once again.

His lip curled back and he blew out a dragon's breath. "Fine then, Ms. Connors. I'll only make you eat HALF of the shell. You certainly won't die, but you definitely will feel quite ill. Your fate rests with Mr. Longbottom and his potions abilities now." What an evil, angry little man. Are you kidding me? This thing definitely shouldn't be allowed! When the strap was taken away, poisoning students should have gone right with it.

The rest of the hour went way too fast. Ramsey continued to shoot me worried looks, while Neville starred at me with complete guilt. Theres no way that this should be allowed. I stood up for a fellow housemate! Sure, take away from house points for speaking out of turn. But seriously, poisoning?

When the time was up, I could feel my sweat trickling down my forehead. Despite my bravado, I had no hope in Neville's potion making abilities. Frankly, he stunk. The only thing that kept me going was the fact that Hermione was hovering over Neville's shoulder and whispering instructions and corrections into his ear. My hands were shaking, and all of the circulation had gone from my feet, leaving them cold as ice cubes.

"Now, let us see what this potion can do!" Snape almost sounded... delighted as we made his way to Neville's desk.

Snape handed me the half shell but I refused to take it. He was going to have to force that thing down my throat because I wasn't about to take it willingly. I opened my mouth to object, but it felt like cotton.

"Can't speak?" Snape asked and handed me a cup of water. I took it happily and drank deeply, immediately regretting my actions. The water had a faintly salty aftertaste. Where was the other half of the shell?

I suddenly felt as if I had been punched in the chest, all air escaping my lungs. My vision clouded and the world took on a blue lens.

"She can't breathe!" Hermione cried. I gasped, scratching at my throat and staggered forward.

"Hurry, Longbottom. Save her" Snape drawled. I watched as Neville hurried to pour the right amount of potion in the vile and fhanded it to me. With shaking hands, I poured the vial down my throat. It tasted like pine, and felt like it too, the liquid scratching my throat as it made its way to my stomach.

My airway opened up again and I was forced to stand straight by Ramsey, his arm firmly around my shoulders.

"May this serve as a reminder not to EVER disrespect me in my classroom!" Snape hissed. "Everyone is dismissed, and Longbottom.... nice work." I stumbled from the Potions dungeons, testing my lungs with every deep breath I took.

"Can I just go to the hospital wing?" I asked and as I was dragged my Kelly, Laura and Ramsey.

Hermione stayed back and consoled Neville, who was crying. "Neville, you saved me! So cheer up mate! I'll see you later!" I tried to stay positive but something wasn't right with me, on the inside. I would feel a lot more comfortable if Madame Pomfrey had given me the all-clear.

We got to the hospital wing and Madame Pomfrey; the matron pushed everyone out of the wing. "What happened, my dear?" She propped me up onto the bed and I gave her a weak smile.

"I accidentally poisoned myself in Potions. I was given an antidote, but I just still don't feel right, is all" Poppy smiled and handed me a piece of chocolate. What an amazing woman, honestly, just brilliant.

"Poison? What kind?" she forced my tongue down with a tongue depressor, looking into the back of my throat.

"Evermore shell. I was given Kemcallious Antidote for it, but I'm still not feeling right." She took the depressor from my mouth and placed a hand on my back, prompting a deep breath.

She listened for a moment before stepping away. "Your lungs sound ok. You should be fine. Come back if you start coughing up sea-water." She smiled softly and patted me on the shoulder.

The telltale sound of heels clicking on stone fast approached as Professor McGonagall marched into the room"Ms. Connors?" Her face was twisted in worry. "I'm so sorry, but you need to come with me right away....." she shook her head and waved me over.

"I'm fine, really, it was just a potions accident" I attempted to lie, but she waved her hands at me dismissively.

"Acelynne!" She shouted. "It's your father."

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